Tuesday 7 May 2024


At first, when we become aware of the evil hidden in our culture, we instinctively try to battle against it and defeat it.

This formula can be seen in the many manifestations of The Myth of Redemptive Violence*.

From fairy tales to horror movies this myth saturates our culture.

The Myth of Redemptive Violence sets up a scenario in which good battles against evil and wins by violence - killing the evil beings.

But in real life this approach never works.

It only embroils us in more violence.

So methods like Spiritual Warfare are bankrupt.

The only approach that works is to lay down the sword and cry out to God for help.

God will answer.

And rescue us from evil.

Evil will tempt us, corrupt us, and try to kill us.

But we cannot overcome evil with violence.

Jesus' example of non-violent non-cooperation is the only approach that can save us.

So set aside your weapons and pray for those who abuse you.

It is the only way.

(*The term The Myth of Redemptive Violence was coined by Walter Wink in his book Engaging the Powers.)

Photo Credit: Johnson Cameraface Flickr via Compfight cc

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