Monday 13 May 2024


Because Generation X labelled the Baby-Boomers loose and reinforced the older generation's moral condemnation of their enemies, and because they had one foot in the devil's corner, we were presented with the unlikely phenomenon of a good devil.

Despite the fact that this is a contradiction of terms they persisted and insisted on it.

They were declaring themselves good by default.

And this despite the fact that they called themselves bad.

Sex was bad

A bad attitude was approved of..

So bad was good.

And despite the fact that this made no sense at all it was reinforced by intimidation and violence - verbal, emotional, psychic and spiritual.

But the fact remains that Generation X turned to hatred and the devil to win worldly privilege and power.

History will decide their fate.

Photo Credit: torbakhopper Flickr via Compfight cc

(The image has been slightly modified.)

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