Wednesday 1 May 2024

God Doesn't Hate You.

The only message that young gay people hear from the Church is that God hates them and they are going to hell.

Some Churches even tell them they are evil.

But they are all wrong.

God loves gay people.

We are His gay sons and daughters.

The men who died of AIDS are in Heaven.

They sit beside the river, dressed in white, happy and at peace.

And we will all go to Heaven when we die.

Every one of us.

So you can ignore the threats of conservative Christians.

They don't know God.

And they don't know us.

They are Pharisees and hypocrites!

Their words betray their fears.

And those who fear cannot love.

Homosexuality is love.

And as such it is part of God.
So love with all your heart.

And know that God loves you.

Photo Credit: Knack.

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