Saturday 31 August 2024

Re-Conceptualizing Reality.

Rather than not understanding life or accepting an unacceptable explanation of life we should be re-conceptualizing reality in the light of the new Epiphany.

God is One.

There is no Dualism.

Therefore there is no devil and no hell.

God is all Good.

God is all Life.

God is all Light.

God is all Love.

We are surrounded by the Love of God.

Everything is interconnected.

We are connected to everyone through the collective unconscious.

Our thoughts and feelings are influenced by all the other minds in the collective.

But the center of life is the heart.

And there are only two things in the world:

Love and fear.

What is not love is fear.

So overcome your fears.

And give love.

Love God and love your neighbor.

For God is Love.

And God resides in all beings.

This is the Reality.

Photo Credit: torbakhopper Flickr via Compfight cc

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