Thursday 1 August 2024


Modern Evangelical Christians are endorsing Fascism.

Fascism is moral.

It scapegoats a minority group in order to create moral ease* for the majority.

And this is exactly what the Religious Right has done in our world.

The conservative. moral, Catholic Church supported Hitler's persecution of the Jews.

And conservative right-wing religious people around the world are persecuting gays and lesbians.

Homosexuality and Same-Sex Marriage have become a symbol to them of moral decay.

And they reserve the right to hate us.

Referencing the Old Testament claim that God hates sin.

But the hate speech, violence, and persecution directed at gays and lesbians is merely embracing their leaders' scapegoating techniques.

This is modern Fascism.

And it should be recognized as such.

(*Moral ease was Hitler's term for the effect of embracing the Jewish scapegoat.)

Photo Credit: Patheos.

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