Wednesday 24 July 2024


Why does God answer some prayers and not others?

The answer to this age old question may lie in what we are expecting when we pray.

If we are expecting God to grant us everything that we ask for we will be sorely disappointed.

But sometimes our prayers seem to be answered and other times they do not.

It is possible that in the latter case God is doing something that we cannot see.

Or He may be waiting for a more propitious time and place.

But our prayers are never wasted.

If only to tune us in with God's benevolence.

Prayers from the heart center us in our soul.

They establish us in our real selves.

And our sincerity registers with God.

So continue to pray with a pure heart.
God will listen.

Photo Credit: zuki12 Flickr via Compfight cc

(The image has been slightly modified.)

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