Tuesday 9 July 2024

A Happy Workforce.

The problem with the world now is that there is too much enmity between employers and employees.

Employers oppress their workers.

They have forced wages down and workers have lost conditions.

Work is temporary, casual, and insecure.

This results in an unhappy workforce.

But the main problem is understaffing.

Overworked staff make mistakes.

And every time someone makes a mistake you are losing half the time because they have to do it again.

So, if you staff your job properly, you are in fact increasing productivity and you can afford to pay your workers properly.

A happy workforce is more productive.

So workers should have holiday pay and sick pay.

They should be paid overtime.

And their employment should be secure.

They should not be expected to study unnecessarily.

Nor should they be expected to reapply for their own jobs.

This would result in a happier workforce.

And productivity would increase.

Photo Credit: Phillie Casablanca Flickr via Compfight cc

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