Saturday 21 September 2024

Sweet and Sour.

The world has gone sour.

Everything is bad, wicked, filthy, despicable, abominable.....

Everyone is cynical, pragmatic, degenerate, vicious, corrupt.....

We lie, cheat, and steal.

We consume.

And we fxxk.

And all this has been deliberately induced.

What happened to good?

What happened to ideals?

What happened to equality and humanity?

Darkness surrounds us.

And we give up.

But there is a spark of light.

A speck of hope on the horizon.

Mercy, forgiveness, compassion, charity, love.....

Truthfulness, honesty, non-violence, peace, tolerance.....

These things are entering our world by the hand of God.

God touches our hearts.

We respond with reverence and gratitude.

And we see.

No longer do we espouse the values of the world.

We taste the sweet values of God*.

And we create the Kingdom of God on Earth.

(*As set out in the Beatitudes,)

Photo Credit: Rawpixel Ltd Flickr via Compfight cc

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