Thursday 21 December 2023

Pointing the Finger.

Although Fundamentalist and Evangelical Christians know that there is Satanism in rock music and entertainment they persist in pointing the finger at gays and lesbians, Hippies, and Liberals.

These are their political enemies.

Instead of exposing contemporary rock musicians they will insists on blaming gays and Hippies.

This is abuse of knowledge.

They do not expose X Generation stars because they are right-wing like them.

This is why their campaigns have failed.

And this is no coincidence.

We should remember that Ronald Reagan, who initiated this campaign, was a politician.

He was not a saint.

Nor was he a hero.

His campaign was political.

And he abused the knowledge of Satanism in rock music for political purposes.

Liberalism is not Satanism.

Nor is homosexuality.

The Satanists are the rock stars who betrayed them in the first place.

Hippies and gays are the victims of Satanism in rock music. 

And Fundamentalist and Evangelical Christians blame the victims because they are their political enemies.

The truth about Satanism in rock music will not be accepted until they stop scapegoating their political enemies and learn to forgive. 

Photo Credit: sjrankin Flickr via Compfight cc

(The image has been slightly modified.)

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