Sunday 10 January 2021

The Church.

Many people in the Church rely for their psychological security on the idea that they are good.

But often they are not as good as they think.

They will contribute to official church activities but it goes no further.

It does not go past the church's door.

Except for family and friends.

This is because their good works are inspired by fear.

Fear of damnation, fear of hell.

So they do just enough and no more.

Often they will steal the credit for others' courage and integrity - as if they had done it themselves.

This is done through the Church - we are the Church so we get the credit - even for what God has done.

This is why the self-perception of the Church has become self-deception.

But the Church is not all bad.

Church people still do good works.

But the community's perception of the Church is quite different.

The Church is seen as a bankrupt institution which bullies women and castrates men.

It has no value whatever.

This perception is no more true than the Church's self-perception.

But it persists none the less.

So we have reached a stalemate.

The Church will not face its own evils and the community will not see any good in the Church. 

Photo Credit: Ted's photos - Returns Early January Flickr via Compfight cc

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