Sunday, 31 January 2021


"Blackbird singing in the dead of night."

Evil in the darkness.

Photo Credit: Joni Mäkinen Flickr via Compfight cc

Saturday, 30 January 2021


Fear of oppression can make us attack.

If we anticipate that the other is going to overpower us we may become overbearing ourselves.

This is the basis of many a divorce.

So we should look to our own motivation and honestly assess our own fears.

We should not let fear rule us.

We should let go of fear and open our hearts.

Then the love of power will be superseded by the power of love.

Photo Credit: Michele Benericetti Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 29 January 2021

Reclaiming Our Humanity.

The last 40 years has seen the systematic dehumanization of people everywhere.

Children are toys.

Schools no loner teach Humanities.

Employees are work units.

People are statistics.

And we have seen a  steady rise in mental health problems.

The time has come to reclaim our humanity.

Children should not be left in child-care from the age of a few months.  They need the love and intimacy of their parents.

Education should not be just job-training.  A balanced education includes the Humanities.

Employees are sons and daughters.  They are not the enemy.

People are human and we need to be treated as such.

And this is the purpose of religion.

To treat everyone as an equal human being.

To open our hearts.

To show mercy, compassion, consideration, and love.

Then we can say we are truly human.

Photo Credit: elliemcc11 Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 28 January 2021

The Day of Benediction.

No one will die.

No one will perish.

No one will burn.

No one will fall.

God's Love 

Will surround us

With Goodwill

For All.

Photo Credit: Angela-xujing Flickr via Compfight cc

Wednesday, 27 January 2021


When the AIDS crisis first hit the gay community I heard people saying that gay men had sex with six partners a night.

As if that was the reason for AIDS.

As time went on this number increased from six to ten to fifteen.

As if that was physically possible.

Everyone needed to find a reason why gay men had caught AIDS.

But this is blatant homophobia.

It's straight out of the Book of Job in the Bible.

Job's friends Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar, and the young Elihu all claim that the righteous Job must have sinned in order to deserve the great misfortune that had befallen him.

But Job maintained his innocence and was eventually justified by God and restored to his former prosperity.

Religious people in particular would do well to look at the Book of Job in relation to AIDS.  

Homosexual sex or excessive sex are not the causes of AIDS.

AIDS is caused by a virus.

It does not have a moral agenda.

Photo Credit: Cocoabiscuit Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Gay Spirituality.

In some ancient cultures people who did not marry were regarded as spiritual.

In the ancient Jewish culture the Nazir was a person set aside for God. 

In Isaiah 54 and 56 God espouse those who did not have children.

The Berdache or Two Spirits of the North American Indians were special priests who guarded the spirit of the tribe.

So perhaps instead of demonizing LGBT+ people we could look upon them as having some special function in the Kingdom of God.

Photo Credit: Raphael Perez Israeli Artist Flickr via Compfight cc

Monday, 25 January 2021

Subliminal Suggestion.

Despite the fact that Satanists in the music industry think that what they do is magic I think that it works more like subliminal suggestion.

Backwards and upside-down words and images register in the unconscious.

And the effects of backtracking are entirely unconscious.

This is why subliminal advertising used to be banned.

But with deregulation of business this safeguard was abandoned and anyone can use subliminal messages in their product.

So be aware that Satanic suggestion exists in rock music and entertainment.

And avoid it whenever you can. 

 Photo Credit: bdrc Flickr via Compfight cc

Sunday, 24 January 2021


Pleasure is not bad or banned.

But pleasure is not the answer.

The key to pleasure is moderation.

Rock bands push indulgence in excess.

They are uncompromising in their message.

"Just have a good time."

"Indulge in sin and fun."

But this approach will get you nowhere.

It leads to burn-out and emptiness.

And it may even lead to suicide.

So don't listen to rock music's anthems of excess.

Practise moderation.

Then you will be safe.

(The motto of the Greek god Apollo was: All things in moderation.) 

Photo Credit: Alun Salt Flickr via Compfight cc

Saturday, 23 January 2021


The message of rock music is pleasure.

They may pretend to be spiritual or wise but in the end their answer is pleasure.

And this is no coincidence.

It is a deliberate ploy to move everyone to a dubious position in order to endanger their search.

Unconscious words and images contribute to this overwhelming message of excess.

Promiscuity, drugs, selfishness, sin, wickedness, lies, evil.....

All these things lurk in the music.

Sex and drugs and rock and roll is not a spiritual message it is sabotage and Satanism.

Photo Credit: Scolirk Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 22 January 2021

Thursday, 21 January 2021

The Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is God's Breath.

The Breath of Life.

"He breathed on them and said to them, 'Recieve the Holy Spirit'."  John 20:22 (NRSV)

It is the Nephesh (breath) and the Ruarch (wind).

It is Alpha.

The Beginning.

It is God's Blessing.

And it brings Life. 

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.] 

Photo Credit: h.koppdelaney Flickr via Compfight cc

(The image has been slightly modified.)

Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

The Tears of Heaven.

Bloody violence.

Black hate.

Endless war.

Vicious greed.

Shameless corruption.

Deliberate evil.

All these things


The Tears of Heaven.

Photo Credit: Martin Wippel Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Monday, 18 January 2021








Deserving of 

Our adoration,

And Love.

Photo Credit: Roberto Bueno.

Sunday, 17 January 2021

Please God.

What must we do to please God?

Do not point the finger of blame at the innocent.

Do not feel superior to others.

Do not conceive evil in your heart.

Do not delight in your brother's misfortunes.

Do not ignore the poor and the hungry.

Open your heart!

Show mercy to your enemies.

Forgive everyone.

Cultivate compassion and empathy.

But above all:

Love God and love your neighbor.

Then you will please God.

Photo Credit: spbda Flickr via Compfight cc

Saturday, 16 January 2021

Crystal Tears.


Crystal Tears

We see

New Revelations.

Photo Credit: ebay. 


Many Church people have a phobia about sex.

They neuter Jesus.

And they neuter God.

God is to them a disembodied spirit.

But how could the creator of the universe be less than us?

The world is full of sex.

Humans, animals, plants and flowers, birds and bees.

Sex is everywhere.

How could this be if God is anti-sex?

They may then say that sex should be only within the confines of marriage.

But God did not invent marriage.

He did not marry Adam and Eve before saying: "Be fruitful and multiply."  Genesis 1:28 (NRSV)

And "God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good."  Genesis 1:31 (NRSV)

It is natural for young men to sow their wild oats before settling down with one partner.

We see this in nature.

And we see this in humans.

That's the way it is designed.

But excessive promiscuity has always led to sexually transmitted diseases.

So moderation is always advised.

But sex is not bad or banned.

God invented it after all.

And He created some of us homosexual.

So don't try to put us in the closet.

And don't try to neuter us.

Photo Credit: Pinterest.

Friday, 15 January 2021

Beautiful Men.

One of the women at church complained about me putting photographs of beautiful musclemen on my blog.

I tried to explain to her that I did this on purpose in order to indicate that you can go to church and still have an active sex life, even if you are homosexual.

You can be gay and spiritual.

Later I sent her an email in which I reminded her that Michelangelo had the same problem when he painted beautiful naked men in the Sistine Chapel.

So much so that they painted veils over the offending parts while he was away.

Michelangelo was furious.

Many Christians neuter Christ and sanitize his religion. 

I will not be censored! 

Photo Credit: Jay Cutler.

Thursday, 14 January 2021

Fear and Insecurity.

So what is it that drives people to acquire more and more money.

I believe it is fear and insecurity.

I have an aunt who grew up during The Greta Depression.

She worked her whole life accumulating more and more money.

Even though her husband had a well paid job.

My mother asked her late in her life why she kept on working when she had more than enough.

She said that she never felt as if she had enough.

This is extreme fear and insecurity planted in the unconscious in her childhood.

I believe that this pattern appears in most people who need more and more money.

So the answer is not to threaten them or force them but to reassure them and allay their fears.

The greatest tool we have to overcome fear and insecurity is faith.

Jesus said: "Do not fear, only believe."  Mark 5:36 (NRSV) 

For Jesus knew God and God is reliable.

His Love will not fail us.

And His mercy is infinite.      

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.] 

Photo Credit: verchmarco Flickr via Compfight cc

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Mental Health.

I was shocked but not surprised by recent statistics on mental health.

I have long said that there is too much pressure on people, especially young people.

Suicide numbers among the young are soaring.

And this is no coincidence.

Children are left without a parent's love in child minding centers from the age of a few months.

They are taught reading and writing before kindergarten.

When the start school they are treated as job trainees.  This dehumanizes them and prepares them for life a s a work unit.

The only messages we get are materialistic - buy, own, watch, listen, follow, enjoy..... 

Teenagers are tempted with fame and fortune.

Workers are overworked and underpaid.

Entertainment is meaningless.

Rock music is infested with Satanism.

Everpresent earplugs inject poisonous curses.

Sex, death, suicide.

Darkness, depression, evil.

It is no wonder there is a mental health crisis.

But there are  remedies for these destructive influences.

Faith, compassion, love.

Classical sacred music.

New spirituality based on unconditional love.

An acknowledgement of our humanity.

A return to the humanities in education.

A concern for everyone.

Forgiveness, mercy, friendship.

This is the message of the New Age.

May it increase.

Photo Credit: Alachua County Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday, 12 January 2021


Satanists in rock music and popular entertainment put hellish images into our minds to make us think we are going to hell.

And we blame ourselves because we took drugs.

But who told us to take drugs in the first place?

It was the very rock bands who poisoned us with their backwards religion.

They cursed and sabotaged us with backtracking and subliminal images.

But rest assured you are not going to hell.

And there are no monsters or snakes or hell things clinging to you.

These hallucinations are deliberately induced.

Look more closely at their videos and movies and listen with discrimination to their songs.

You will find poison and death.

Then you will be free! 

Photo Credit: adstream Flickr via Compfight cc

Monday, 11 January 2021


Torture is not O.K. under any circumstances.

We see gay and lesbian people abducted and tortured, some are even murdered, in Eastern Europe, Africa, and Asia; even in a liberal country like Brazil.

But torture is not O.K. under any circumstances.

Those who perpetrate these crimes feel justified by hatred and fear.

Others stand idly by and rationalize what they see.

Some sit on the fence.

Others claim that it is God punishing them.

But torture is not O.K. under any circumstances.

God is not a torturer.

And we should not condone torture.

Because torture is not O.K. under any circumstances.

Photo Credit: Fotografías Emergentes Flickr via Compfight cc

Sunday, 10 January 2021

The Church.

Many people in the Church rely for their psychological security on the idea that they are good.

But often they are not as good as they think.

They will contribute to official church activities but it goes no further.

It does not go past the church's door.

Except for family and friends.

This is because their good works are inspired by fear.

Fear of damnation, fear of hell.

So they do just enough and no more.

Often they will steal the credit for others' courage and integrity - as if they had done it themselves.

This is done through the Church - we are the Church so we get the credit - even for what God has done.

This is why the self-perception of the Church has become self-deception.

But the Church is not all bad.

Church people still do good works.

But the community's perception of the Church is quite different.

The Church is seen as a bankrupt institution which bullies women and castrates men.

It has no value whatever.

This perception is no more true than the Church's self-perception.

But it persists none the less.

So we have reached a stalemate.

The Church will not face its own evils and the community will not see any good in the Church. 

Photo Credit: Ted's photos - Returns Early January Flickr via Compfight cc

Saturday, 9 January 2021

The Wrong Things.

The problem with the world is not that most people are bad but that good people are being told all the wrong things.

We are told to think of ourselves, to accumulate money and possessions, to seek fame and fortune, to work harder, to buy, to watch, to follow.....

This is the result of a purely materialistic culture which acclimatizes us to evil.

We are told to fear foreigners, to romanticize the military, to seek harsher penalties, to compete, to cheat, to win.....

We are not told to think of others - at home or in the world.

We are not told to overcome our fears.

We are not told to open our hearts.

We are not told to live and let live.

We are not told to help others.

We are not told to love.

This is the result of mass-media ownership by corporate plutocrats.

And it is the result of evil in our entertainment.

So turn off the T.V., throw away your C.D.s, and unplug your earphones.

We are being brainwashed!  

Photo Credit: Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 8 January 2021


Ever since Rupert Murdoch took over the world's news media we have seen a decline in the caliber of our politicians.

Since Labor pandered to Murdoch's media and compromised their values.

Since the Conservatives followed Hitler's lead and played the race card. 

We have seen cynicism and corruption in our parliaments.

What is needed is a return to the political and personal integrity that has been lost.

But this cannot be done while the media is controlled by plutocrats.

So turn off your T.V. and cancel your newspaper subscription.

You can get news from independent sources.

We don't need to be threatened and controlled.

Photo Credit: adr1682305408 Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 7 January 2021

Practical Idealism: A Remedy.

After the violence of the 1980s we were forced to accept the proposition that pragmatism was a superior method to idealism.

Reluctantly we consented to allow the powers of the world to try.

Unfortunately this has turned out to be a gross deception.

After 40 years of pragmatism the world is a darker, more violent, more unequal place than ever before.

My remedy is to return to the idealism of the 1960s and 1970s without dismissing the practical advantages that come from pragmatism.

Things like: economic development projects in developing countries, sustainable development goals, carbon emissions targets, preservation of marine parks etc..

These can be linked to idealism and peace initiatives in order to turn the world around.

We must accept that pragmatic economic ideology has failed.

The world is not a better place.

We must return to the ideals of ethical socialism in order to regain what has been lost.

Practical idealism is not only the basis of a balanced political solution it is also the basis of a viable religion for the 21st Century.

So resurrect your ideals and your spiritual values and link them to practical action.

Then we may make the world a better place.

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore.

Wednesday, 6 January 2021


Rather than condemning a whole generation for taking drugs we should follow the lead of Jesus and pray for healing and wholeness.

The Hippie Generation were betrayed by their rock stars into lives of drugs and degradation.

This was done deliberately by superstars who had sold their souls and practiised Satanism and black magic as taught by Aleister Crowley.

We were set up to fail.

And so we should not feel guilty or blame ourselves.

We should pray for a return to the peace and love that was betrayed.

The peace and love that inspired Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Nelson Mandela.

The peace and love that was taught by Jesus of Nazareth. 

Photo Credit: La caverne aux trésors Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday, 5 January 2021


We pray for

Gays and lesbians

Around the world


Persecution, Torture, and Death.

Help us through our ordeals.

And take us to your bosom when we die.

Help us to find safe places

Where we can live in peace

Without harassment.


Photo Credit: Daily Record.

Monday, 4 January 2021


"No man can serve two masters.....
   Ye cannot serve God and mammon."  Matthew 6:24 (KJB)

The word mammon is translated in modern versions as money.

The key to the right-wing political conspiracy is money.

The Plutocrats of this world side with conservative political and religious forces because of their attitude to money.

But you cannot serve two masters.

Either you serve God or you serve money.

And big business plutocrats conspire with Satanists in rock music and popular culture in order to control people's thinking.

So the Religious Right is in league with their own enemies in reality.

For too long they have been allowed to fake their spirituality by contending that the left-wing is evil.

This is because Ronald Reagan accused the Hippie Generation of being unconscious agents of Satan because their rock stars were Satanists.

But this is blatant nonsense.

The Hippies were not evil themselves. 

They were the victims of Satanism in rock music.

They were not the perpetrators.

This is why the Religious Right call good people like Barak Obama the Anti-Christ.

It is blatantly false.

And their credibility has suffered for it.

Their own involvement with Satanism through their endorsement of Generation X is much worse than any ill effects of the Hippies.

So the Religious Right are confronted with a choice - God or mammon.  

Photo Credit: sokole oko Flickr via Compfight cc