Sunday, 26 April 2020

Rock Music.


To those who cannot believe my claim that rock music is Satanism I say this:

I was as disbelieving as you.

Mainly because this claim is associated with right-wing Fundamentalist Christians whose theology and sociology I cannot accept.

God may have revealed this truth to them but they misused this information for political purposes and misunderstood the complexity of their enemies' campaigns.

They took what rock musicians put out at face value - equating Satanism with peace and love and left-wing politics.

But Satanism wears a mask of populism which hides the evil that they do.

In fact Satanism is war and hate and Nazism - the opposite if what appears on the surface.

So I rejected the rumors which were circulating at the time.

But a series of negative spiritual experiences which I eventually traced to the rock music I was listening to caused me to reconsider.

I was as surprised as anyone to to discover that the rock legends we followed were evil.

But this did not lead to a Fundamentalist mentality.

My theology remained Progressive and although I returned to the Church I joined a Church which was relatively Liberal in its thinking.

So although I am a Progressive Christian I believe that rock musicians, celebrities, and sports stars are involved in modern Satanism.

They deceive and betray us.

And their activities form a web of evil which spans the collective unconscious and tempts and corrupts us constantly.

This is done through the mass-media.

But I do not believe that there is a real devil.

Nor do I believe in hell.

But the damage done through negative suggestion and backtracking remains.

We are poisoned and cursed.

We are distracted and disturbed.

We are brainwashed and controlled.

But God is real.

If we pray to Him with a sincere heart He will deliver us.

And show us His Salvation.

Photo Credit: micadew Flickr via Compfight cc

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