Friday, 14 June 2019

Moral Panic.


Because the writings of St. Paul threaten people with hell Church people are frozen in a mind-set of fear.

Objections to homosexuality and pre-marital sex are the direct results of moral panic inspired by St. Paul.

His writings on spirit and flesh are responsible for untold damage done both within and by the Churches.

But you will not find these ideas in Jesus' teachings.

In fact Jesus was known for eating with sinners and prostitutes.

His teachings are inclusive not exclusive.

It is St. Paul who excludes people from Heaven particularly those involved in sexual activity.

Paul was a member of an extremely strict sect of Pharisees who were conservative and celibate.

He never married.

The time has come to take a fresh look at Paul's writings in the light of modern scholarship.

Paul is plainly wrong when he says that homosexuals will not partake of Heaven.

Gay people are as acceptable to God as straight people.

And their love will not exclude them from Heaven.

It is time to re-vision our approach to sexuality in the light of the teachings of the historical Jesus.

Plainly God did not invent sex with the intention of proscribing it.

Only an insane God would do such a thing.

The intense pleasure associated with sex is clearly intended to encourage sexual activity not stop it.

It may be that God accepts a persons sacrifice of sexual activity.

But this is voluntary self-denial.

It is not a requirement to be universally applied.

God's Grace is inspired by Love.

And love is closer to sex than self-denial.

So we must overcome our fear with faith in the benevolence of God.

And accept that sex is an integral part of God's good creation.

Photo Credit: Ostrosky Photos Flickr via Compfight cc

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