Saturday, 13 April 2019

A Living Wage.


In the parable of The Laborers in the Vineyard  workers are all paid "the usual daily wage" no matter how long they have worked.

This seems mysterious to most of us.

But what I believe that God (the landowner) is doing is ensuring that everyone has enough to live on.

"The usual daily wage" was a living wage - enough to live on - and each worker received enough.

This is God providing for us.

Providing enough for us to live.

And everyone receives the same.

This is a different orientation from the landowners of this world.

Most employers will pay according to the amount of work done - reward for effort.

And their motivation is to make bigger and bigger profits for themselves.

But God's orientation is to provide a living for each of His workers no matter how much work they have done.

God provides.

So why do people starve?

The earth produces enough food for everyone to live but because of our fear we hoard it and even destroy it rather than share it with others.

God has provided enough food.

But we will not share it with the hungry.

So people starve.

Business must change its orientation from personal profit to providing a living.

Our workers are our sons and daughters.

And God is our Father.

Photo Credit: Sebastiano Pupillo Flickr via Compfight cc

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