Saturday, 27 October 2018



Accentuate the positives.

Satanism in rock music pushes the negatives - the negatives of your star signs, the negatives of your generational group.

If you listen to them or follow their prompt you are feeding the negative side of your personality and this induces intense suffering.

You will hate those who love you.
You will cheat on your partner.
You will break off relationships.
You will indulge in vices.
You will blame the innocent.

All these things are hidden in rock music.

But if you accentuate the positives your life will improve dramatically.

You will appreciate those who love you.
You will be grateful for your blessings.
You will be faithful to your partner.
You will discover new virtues and talents.
You will experience love and happiness.

So don't listen to the negative messages in rock music - overt or covert.

You deserve better than that.

Find the positives.

And feed them.

If you pray God will help you.

Photo Credit: dim.pagiantzas | photography Flickr via Compfight cc

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