Sunday, 24 December 2017



There are differences between Progressive Christianity and Orthodox Christianity.

Most of these are to do with the supernatural aspects of Orthodox belief.

Original sin, Virgin Birth, Physical Resurrection, Nature Miracles etc. are put to one side by Progressive Christians as a concession to science.

Other differences relate to theology.
Progressive Christianity rejects the negative doctrines and concepts of Orthodoxy: Fall/Redemption, Substitutionary Atonement, Sin, Penitence, Judgement, Hell, End Times.

And replaces them with positive conceptions: Original Blessing, Universal Forgiveness,  Inclusiveness, Unconditional Love, Life after Death for Everyone.

Progressive Christians do not seek to start a new religion or even transform the old religion.

We seek to be allowed to hold alternative views within the existing Churches.

Time will tell if this is possible. 

Photo Credit: tim constable via Compfight cc

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