Friday, 29 November 2013


What is it that makes people say one thing (in church) and do another (during the week).

Quite contrary to the popular belief that these people are wicked or sinful, I believe the reason is fear.

The fear that what they espouse on Sundays will not work in the world drives them to behave differently in their work environment and even in the family life.

And then the fear of ostracism causes them to mouthe agreement with Jesus on Sundays.

The fear of hell causes them to say one thing and do another.

So, rather than thinking of these people as the enemy, we should have compassion for them, so ruled are they by fear.

Their fear makes them do what everybody else does - at work and in church.

How can we reduce their fear?

By removing the threat of hell to begin with.

And increasing their faith.

That God will deliver us, and God will provide.

Pray for this.

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