Sunday, 2 June 2013

Aquarius Manifesting.

It has been said that God returns with a new revelation when the world is at its darkest.

The world is dark now.

The official culture of the world is secular rational economic materialism.

This is superficial. left-brain only, unsatisfying, and imposed.

Add to this the evil anti-currents from rock music and popular entertainments, including sports, and it is dark indeed.

The spirits of human beings will not allow this to continue.

A rear-guard action, rising from the unconscious, will force a crisis if the right-brain, imaginative, depth-dimension is not addressed.

Economic rationalism is a failure.

We must find another way.

It is at this point that, when the souls in the world are ripe, that God manifests among us.

God's hand is moving in the gay, progressive, activist, green, internet spirituality.

At this time there is no contact between the manifestations in the Christian Churches and the general public, although social justice is a meeting point.

This is Aquarius manifesting.

We must find a way for this to reach the surface.

The crisis in religion is symptomatic of this situation.

If the deep psychic needs of individuals are not met then negative manifestations will begin to appear - like the sexual abuse scandals in the Churches.

This repression is manifest as overwork and lack of creative outlets (no time).
Obsession with sports, celebrity culture, and shopping are negative symptoms.

These needs are to do with the imaginative, artistic, religious side of human nature:

A new spirituality.

This must be given official recognition or it will be forced down into the unconscious where it will cause psychosis and may manifest negatively as violence or anti-social activity (anarchy).

So the new spirit of freedom (symbolized by the internet) must find positive, sanctioned outlets in our society or Aquarius is doomed to fail.

If not a new Church then what?

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