Saturday, 23 March 2013


You can't have crystals without rainbows.
The spectrum of colors is refracted through the crystals.

Crystals and rainbows are Aquarian.

Rainbows represent variety, diversity, the full spectrum of views.
The Rainbow Coalition is Aquarian.

Rainbows also represent peace with God (the story of the flood).

Aquarius rules homosexuality.
The rainbow flag is the gay symbol.

Aquarius represents the New Age.

New Jerusalem shines "like jasper, clear as crystal."  Revelation 21:11b (NRSV)  The waters of life sparkle "bright as crystal"  Revelation 22:1a (NRSV)

Aquarius also rules prophesy and technology.
Gays and lesbians are called prophets by some.

So gays and lesbians are intrinsically related to the symbols of Aquarius.
You can't have crystals without rainbows.
You can't have the New Age without gays and lesbians.

(Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.)

Photo Credit: Katie Hartline via Compfight cc

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