Monday, 4 February 2013

The Age of Aquarius 1.

The age of Aquarius is approaching.

(a)  It is characterized by:
Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity.

If God is our Father then all men and women are our brothers and sisters.

It is Liberal Humanism (philosophically).
It is Progressive (not regressive).
It is true Equality (not one size fits all).
It is Freedom (not oppression).

(b)  We are still, however, effected by Satanism in the entertainment industries.

Unless we unmask this pervasive influence the Age of Aquarius will be manifested as the negatives of Aquarius: promiscuity, drug abuse, and insanity.

Astrologically Satanism is governed by Scorpio (hidden things, secrecy, evil). Aquarius considers Scorpio dark and sinister.  But it is disguised as Aquarius itself and accentuates the negatives of Aquarius (backwards).

The right-wing religious influence merely uses their knowledge of Satanism to demonize their political opponents.  They claim that it is Aquarius itself which is evil.  They have failed to unmask Satanism.  It is not Aquarius but Scorpio.

So the right-wing blames the victims of Satanism, i.e. the Hippies - who characterize aspects of Aquarius - rather than the perpetrators who are characterized by Scorpio.

The Hippies and Baby-Boomers have been sabotaged by Satanists in the music industry and manifest the negatives of Aquarius: promiscuity, drug abuse, and insanity.

So if we don't want the Rainbow Children to finish up like the Hippies (i.e. a mess) then we had better unmask the Satanic influence in the music, movies, sports, and literature they consume.

We can pray for this - for Satanism to be unmasked.
So that everyone can choose for themselves the positives of Aquarius: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, i.e. Freedom, Egalitarianism, Brotherly Love.

As for the Satanists, we can call an amnesty, a Truth and Reconciliation Commission.  Then they can be reconciled to God.

Meanwhile we can pray for the Satanists to see their error, i.e. there is no Satan to reward them, and go forwards rather than backwards.

Photo Credit: Me in ME Flickr via Compfight cc

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