Wednesday, 25 September 2024




Casual Sex.














Photo Credit: Glassholic Flickr via Compfight cc

Sunday, 22 September 2024

The Dark Side.

Contrary to popular belief endorsing hate in any form is turning to the dark side.

God is Love.

And Jesus' commandment was to love.

So any suggestion that hate is from God is a lie.

Hate is the domain of the devil.

And anyone who hates is in league with the devil.

Despite their protestations.  

So we should refuse to hate and base our manifesto on love.

Photo Credit: Neil. Moralee Flickr via Compfight cc

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Sweet and Sour.

The world has gone sour.

Everything is bad, wicked, filthy, despicable, abominable.....

Everyone is cynical, pragmatic, degenerate, vicious, corrupt.....

We lie, cheat, and steal.

We consume.

And we fxxk.

And all this has been deliberately induced.

What happened to good?

What happened to ideals?

What happened to equality and humanity?

Darkness surrounds us.

And we give up.

But there is a spark of light.

A speck of hope on the horizon.

Mercy, forgiveness, compassion, charity, love.....

Truthfulness, honesty, non-violence, peace, tolerance.....

These things are entering our world by the hand of God.

God touches our hearts.

We respond with reverence and gratitude.

And we see.

No longer do we espouse the values of the world.

We taste the sweet values of God*.

And we create the Kingdom of God on Earth.

(*As set out in the Beatitudes,)

Photo Credit: Rawpixel Ltd Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 20 September 2024

Rock Stars.

Behind the facade of beauty and glamour lies a dark secret.

Rock stars sell their souls to the devil for fame and fortune and a rock star reception.

This explains the culture of decadence and excess which characterizes rock music.

And it explains how peace and love became sex and drugs and rock and roll.

Far from intending to bolster the ideals of the Baby-Boomer Generation they in fact literally betrayed them.

The rock music of the 1960s was subtle sabotage and backwards Satanic magic.

And make no mistake their intention was to consign us to hell*.

And this is still happening with today's rock stars.

So don't be fooled by seductive appearances.

Rock stars are literally Satanic.

And their music is poison.

(*Remember Hotel California?)

Photo Credit: youngrobv Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 19 September 2024

















Photo Credit: PKMousie Flickr via Compfight cc

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

The Kingdom of God.

The Beatitudes are the foundation of the Kingdom of God.

But if we advocate them in this modern world it is labelled an agenda and promptly dismissed.

We are  called Marxists, Totalitarian, Nazis, the Nanny State etc..... 

So don't be fooled by their Orwellian language.

There is a Reality.

And God has a dream for the world.

Photo Credit: freepik.coy

Saturday, 14 September 2024


The media constantly feed us fear and threat.

We are told daily that there is evil and violence threatening our very lives.

Usually from some outsider or minority group.

Just look at the headlines!

This is quite deliberate.   

The rich and powerful men who own our media invest in fear in order to sell us their political candidates.

And they try to control our perceptions.

"We need a strong leader who can put down the threat."

"Not these wishy-washy, left-wing bleeding hearts who can't handle the economy."

Or so they say.

And it works.

So don't expect the climate of fear to change.

Fear is the currency of political power.

And power is the purpose of their propaganda.

Photo Credit: Patrick Hoesly Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 13 September 2024

Perceptions and Projections.

We all have perceptions of others.

These perceptions may be accurate or they may be grossly inaccurate.

The latter is the case where there is prejudice and stereotyping.

Negative fixed perceptions of people which are not based in reality are prejudices.

Stereotypes also fall into this category.

It will often happen that we assume a particular person will act or react in a particular way.

And we project this assumption onto them.

Alternatively we may have a good image of someone who is not good at all.

So be aware of your perceptions and projections.

They may be causing people harm.

Photo Credit: Chirag D. Shah Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 12 September 2024


Lord Protector was a title given to Richard III before he became King.

This should give us some idea of the nature of the protector in political parlance. 

The strong leaders put forward by the rich and powerful in response to the threat which they themselves create through the media is there to protect us.

They make war on the outsiders and build walls to keep them out.

This is the Machiavellian plot to which we are all subject.

It is based on fear.

And we are its unwilling victims.

Photo Credit: zaphad1 Flickr via Compfight cc

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

The System.

We may pray for the hungry and the children who will die.

We may even give money to charities who will help them.

But why do they die when the world produces enough food to feed everyone?

The answer is the entrenched System in the West.

The System ensures the dominance of the West by maintaining the secrecy of the financial arrangements of Multi-National Corporations.

And it is backed up by massive armies.

We are told that information about investment and business practices is private and protected by law.

This goes back to the British Empire which was established at the point of a gun and maintained by force.

Now we are complicit with this Domination System.

We profit from its crimes.

So every time a child dies of starvation we can blame the System that the West has established to keep us on top of the world's wealth and power.

This System is whitewashed by democracy.

And it poses as freedom.

But it is a Capitalist System.

It is neither democratic nor free.

The media ensures that we are distracted and misinformed.

And our governments make sure we are confused and powerless.

Corrupt politicians betray us.

And shareholders reject reforms.

So the hungry are ignored.

And children die. 

Photo Credit: Kevin Krejci Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Child Starvation.

One child per minute faces death through starvation

While the rich swan around the world on million dollar cruise ships.

Photo Credit: The Guardian.

Monday, 9 September 2024

African Politics.

Fundamentalist Christian Churches and hate groups in America are funding anti-gay politicians in Africa. 

Photo Credit:

Sunday, 8 September 2024


Gay people in Africa are being attacked, cast out, arrested, tortured, executed, and murdered.

While the world sits back and does nothing.

Photo Credit:

Saturday, 7 September 2024


Excessive indulgence in sex without love

actually creates ugliness.

Photo Credit:

Thursday, 5 September 2024

Life in All its Fullness.

When Jesus promised us life in all its fullness* he was telling us that we are to live life to the full.

Life is about our loving relationships.

And so life in all its fullness includes a satisfying sexual relationship.

Nowhere does Jesus say we are to forgo sexual love.

Our love for our beloved inspires our desire.

And so we can engage in sexual activity without fear or guilt.

And experience life in all its fullness.

(* John 10:10)

Photo Credit: vwcampin Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Wednesday, 4 September 2024


Satanism causes suffering.

Satanism is rock music causes drug addiction and divorce.

The suffering endured by innocent people as a result of their diabolical practises is enormous.

Overt and covert messages in their music tell young people to take drugs.

And the shameless promotion of promiscuous sex has resulted in many divorces.

Children suffer along with their parents.

And it does not end there.

Depression, violence, hatred, suicide, mental illness, self-destructiveness, and evil all derive from rock music.

We are caught in a web of evil which spans the whole world.

A web which includes rock music, movies and T.V., literature, news, and sports surrounds us.

We are inundated with malevolent messages.

But these things are hidden.

Often behind a mask of glamour or popularity.

Reject their dark fantasies.

Don't be fooled by appearances.

Look beneath the mask.

There you will find malice and evil.

Turn to God.

And He will heal you.

Photo Credit: Mitchell Haindfield Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday, 3 September 2024

The Dark Arts.

In his prequel to The Lord of the Rings - The Silmarillion - J.R.R. Tolkien tells of the evil Melkor who rebelled against his creator Eru Iluvitar and turned to the dark arts as a source of power.

Melkor is contrasted with the good god  Manwe who does not suspect his rival of treachery because of his own good nature.

Melkor was said to reject the goodness of his creator and embrace evil as his natural domain.

Likewise those rock stars who sell their souls to the devil study the occult and the dark arts and use their knowledge in their music and videos.

Death, darkness, night, sleep, blindness, discord, suicide, and war are common themes.

But Satainsm in rock music wears a mask.

It may appear good, idealistic, wise, or sympathetic on the surface but beneath is malevolence, evil, and sabotage.

They use backtracking and subliminal messages.

So do not take their music at face value.

Evil and death lie beneath.

Photo Credit: rinthcog Flickr via Compfight cc

(The image has been slightly modified.)