Friday, 28 June 2024

The Debate.

I want to complain about the way that the US Election Debate has been reported.

Most media reports have said that Trump won the Debate because he was more assured than Biden.

But they completely ignored the fact that Trump told lie after lie after lie.

All that proves is that Trump is a better liar.

Is that what they want for their President?

Give me a break!

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The truth about Donald Trump is that what he says is backwards.

That is why it is so confusing.

But the truth is that the right-wing political campaign is based on hate and prejudice.

And the propaganda they put out to mask it is backwards.

And backwards is lies. 

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Thursday, 27 June 2024


Satanism is opportunistic.

Working through the collective unconscious they smell sin and move in for the kill.

Playing God they use fear and prejudice to induce guilt and damnation.

This is the dark dream of those who serve Satan.

And there are more of them than you think.

Rock musicians, sports men and women, celebrities, novelists.....

Many of these have sold their souls for fame and fortune.

And they do the devil's will.

Or so they think*.

But God is faithful.

God does not punish us.

God does not judge us.

Cry out to Him!

He will hear.

(*There is no devil in reality.)

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Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Gay Lives Matter.

I want to bring your attention to the plight of gay men and women in Africa.

I am sick of Christians telling me about the wonderful work they are doing in Africa.

When it is so called Christians who are influencing African politicians to introduce draconian laws persecuting gays and lesbians.

And I am sick of the cowardice of western governments who ignore this modern day atrocity.

Gay lives matter.

We are not sub-human and we are not non-citizens.

We are human beings like yourselves.

And gay rights are human rights.

But the world stands by and does nothing. 

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Sunday, 23 June 2024

The Devil.

If you try to use the devil

you will find 

it is the devil using you!

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Saturday, 22 June 2024


He was a Father Figure

to all those young devils.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia.

Friday, 21 June 2024


Why is Bono dressed as the devil

and talking on the telephone?

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Wednesday, 19 June 2024


Agenda has become a dirty word.

But it is only associated with the policies of the left-wing political demographic.

As if the political right had no agenda.

But what about anti-abortion, anti-gay, gun ownership,  prayer in schools, religious freedoms etc..

That's the right-wing agenda.

And the corporate agenda is: tax cut, deregulation of the economy,  privatization, cuts to welfare, small government etc..

So everyone has an agenda.

And merely labeling the left in order to discredit them is deceitful in the extreme.

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore Flickr via Compfight cc

Saturday, 15 June 2024

The Hobbit.

What is The Hobbit about?

The Hobbit is about greed.

And how greed leads to violence and.....


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Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Out of Darkness.

Evil lurks in the darkness.

Black and invisible.

Controlling our thoughts.

Turning us to 

Night, shadows, death, and hate.....

But prayer and contemplation 

Rescue us.

Out of darkness

They lead us to

Light, Life, and Love.

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Saturday, 8 June 2024

A Broken Heart.

"A broken heart contains an invaluable treasure!"
Shams E Tabrizi.

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Friday, 7 June 2024

God's Love.

God fills the whole universe

And More.

What am I that

God should love me?

But God cares,

He answers prayers.

His Mercy is infinite,

And His heart is compassionate.

His ways are

Light, Life, and Love.

But His inmost nature is


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Wednesday, 5 June 2024

A Little Child.

"'Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.'"  Mark 10:15 (NRSV)

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

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Tuesday, 4 June 2024


"'I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the learned and the intelligent and have revealed them to infants,'"  Matthew 11:25 (NRSV)

[Scripture quotation (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

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Monday, 3 June 2024


In a way you could say that Satanists are justified.

By this I mean that the image of God that they have received is not worth worshipping.

Their image of God is the traditional image put out by the Church of a harsh judge and punisher of men and women.

They have internalized this false image of God.

And they have made their decision to choose Satan based on this received knowledge.

So in this way you could say that they are justified.

Because they have been told that God is awful.

And based on that knowledge they hate God and love Satan.

Perhaps they will go into Heaven before the religious authorities who created this image of God.

Because it is the fear in the religious authorities which inspired their false image of God.

Jesus said to Nicodemus: "'Are you a teacher of Israel, and yet you do not understand these things?'"  John 3:10 (NRSV)

And to the Pharisees: "'Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you.'"  Matthew 21:31 (NRSV)

So if we look at Satanism from this angle they are redeemable despite the many and terrible things they have done. 

Jesus also said that he who is forgiven more will love more. (Luke 7:42,43)

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

Photo Credit: Martin Lopatka Flickr via Compfight cc