So what can we expect in the Age of Aquarius?
First of all we can expect an Epiphany of Light.
A new enlightenment of humankind.
This Light has already begun to come into our world.
It can be seen in the revelations of progressive religion.
In the works of Pope Francis, Desmond Tutu, the Dalai Lama, Richard Rohr and others.
But the darkest hour is always just before the dawn.
Our world has been plunged into darkness and evil.
Fortunately the darkest hour has passed.
And we are entering a new reality.
But this is a gradual process.
It will not happen all at once.
The legalizing of gay marriages and their celebration in some Christian Churches is a sign of greater Light.
The virtual curing of AIDS leads us out of fear and violence.
A resurgence of left-wing political thinking gives us hope.
But these things are encountering stubborn opposition from conservative forces.
If we can demonstrate that their fears are unfounded there may be progress.
But don't despair if progress is slow.
It is slow but slowly building.
And its author is God.