Wednesday, 30 August 2023


How can non-violence defeat evil?

The answer is that God knows what is at the root of evil.

And that is fear.

So if God's Love casts out fear then evil will disappear.

So, if we wish to end evil in our world, we should look to the fears that inspire it.

If we can remove those fears then evil will end.

If not we can pray.

What is impossible for us is possible for God.

Photo Credit: Heather Smithers Flickr via Compfight cc

Monday, 28 August 2023


In the 1980s when I was experiencing problems a colleague said to me: "The problem is your relationship with God."

By this he meant my homosexuality.

But I now realize that my problems were not the result of a poor relationship with God but of my relationship with rock music.

By this I mean my involvement with rock stars who were secretly Satanic.

This hidden influence was the cause of much of the problems associated with disturbed youth.

Our addiction to rock music ensured that our minds were constantly fed with negativity, darkness, and evil.

Whether this was overtly sung or covertly backtracked the fact remains that it was evil.

Since swearing off rock music my mental and emotional condition has improved dramatically.

I have even experienced the joy and peace that comes from God.

The cause of my problems was not homosexuality but rock music.

So unplug your earphones and delete your rock music.

Pray to God.

He will release you.

Photo Credit: Discogs.

Saturday, 26 August 2023

Cry Out!

We are not forsaken.

In times of trouble and persecution we can cry out to God for help.

He will answer.

He may not respond in the way that we expect but He will answer none the less.

God has non-violent ways to defuse conflict and violence.

This is enlightenment.

And enlightenment is self-evident.

When they see they will stop.

But this takes time.
And we must wait.

And endure.

But God will answer.

And all will be well.

Photo Credit: ruifo Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 25 August 2023

Fear Not Child.

Think back.

Back to when you were a child.

Back to Sunday School.

When you first heard about Jesus and God.

What did they tell you?

Did they threaten you with hell?

Did they punish and shame you?

Did they make you feel guilty and afraid?

Because none of these things comes from God.

They are human failings.

And failing to see.

God judges no one.

God punishes no one.

God is our loving Father.

And a loving father does not punish his children.

So fear not!

Your sins are forgiven.

And your soul is safe in Heaven.

Photo Credit: Cihat Ertem Flickr via Compfight cc

(The image has been slightly modified.)

Monday, 21 August 2023

Homophobia in the AFL.

There is a report on homophobia in the AFL

on Four Corners on the ABC tonight at 8.30 pm.

Photo Credit:

Saturday, 19 August 2023


Rather than becoming hard and tough in response to life's harsh experiences we should consider the alternative response of compassion.

Rather than making religion hard and tough like the world we should seek to make the world compassionate and merciful like true religion.

True religion is centered in the heart.

Do not let us harden our hearts.

But help us to show compassion to those who are suffering.

Life can make us cynical and bitter.

But contact with the Living God leads to Love.

Because God is Love.

And His heart is full of compassion for us.

So do not listen to those who say that God is our judge and that He punishes sin.

God is merciful and forgiving.

He does not punish us. 

Let alone condemn or damn us.

Fear not.

Pray to God.

And be delivered.

Photo Credit: Pascal Rey Photographies Flickr via Compfight cc

Monday, 14 August 2023

God's Presence.

The Presence of God

is a place

without fear.

Photo Credit: Artnet.

Saturday, 12 August 2023

Sports Rock.

They sell their souls for fame and fortune and a rock star reception.

And they'll sell you down the river.

They poison your mind and curse your soul.

And they want you to burn in hell forever.

Photo Credit: NRL.

Tuesday, 8 August 2023


Why does God allow people to do bad things?

Why does God allow people to do evil?

Why does God allow people to persecute His saints?

Even Jesus was not spared a humiliating death on the cross.


The answer, in the end, is simple:

God does not condemn or punish anyone.

There are reasons why people do bad things.

There are reasons why people do evil.

Ultimately their motivation is fear.

And it was fear that motivated the Pharisees and the Romans to crucify Jesus.

"'Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.'"  Luke 23:34 (NRSV)

These were Jesus' words on the cross.

He forgave his killers.

God did not save Jesus from death.

And this is because it is God's Will that they be saved also.

No one will perish.

Even the most heinous of sinners will be saved.

Ultimately He will enlighten them.

So God's chosen ones, His saints and prophets, may experience persecutions, even torture and death, that their persecutors, their torturers and even their killers, may be saved.

So love your enemies and pray for those who abuse you that they also may be saved and experience the overwhelming Love of God.      

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

Photo Credit: Jen Skingle Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Monday, 7 August 2023

A New Song.









Redistribution of Wealth.

Positive attitude to sex.

Acceptance of homosexuality.

Universal Brotherhood.



But most of all:


Photo Credit: Pre-Raphaelite Reflections.

Saturday, 5 August 2023


People wonder why I continue to be sexually active when my gay sexuality causes so much trouble.

They seem to think I should just give up sex and be satisfied with that.

But that would be to tear myself in two.

I cannot just deny my sexuality.

And if I do then the homophobes have won.

So I continue to practise my homosexuality in the most positive way I can.

And know that I am blessed by God.

And that I will take my place in Heaven when I die.

Photo Credit: sbfisher Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 3 August 2023

Noble Love.

Homosexuality is the noble love of the Greek heroes.

It was the love of the most masculine and most courageous of men.

And it was sanctioned in the andron and the gymnasium which were the exclusive domains of men.

Homosexuality was not just tolerated.

It was celebrated and honored in a way that we can only imagine.

It is my dream that this beautiful love be lifted once again to the heights of moral aspiration.

And sanctioned as the intoxicating love of God Himself. 

Photo Credit:

Wednesday, 2 August 2023

The Heart of Aquarius.

The Egyptian hieroglyph of a jar (ab) means the heart.

The Water Jar of Aquarius is your heart.

And the water is love.

So pour out your love over your beloved.

And you will find that the source of love in your heart is infinite.

The more love you give the more love there is to give.

This is the secret of the enigmatic symbols of Aquarius.

And the new revelations coming into the world now.

Photo Credit: edenpictures Flickr via Compfight cc

(The image has been slightly modified.)

Tuesday, 1 August 2023

The Closet.

Fundamentalist objections to homosexuality are often a sign of closeted gays.

They protest too much, I think.

And this is based on fear.

Fear of society's disapproval and fear of damnation by God.

And they project these fears onto people who are openly gay.

But there is no fear in love.

And God is Love.

They are living a lie and their marriages are shams.

But there is no lie in God's Kingdom.

And no fear.

So coming out of the closet will help to diminish the homophobia and prejudice that gay people experience.

Photo Credit: spies, emanuele spies Flickr via Compfight cc