My generation - the Baby Boomers - are political prisoners.
We have been held captive by negative forces in the collective.
The political left has been blamed and shamed by the media and Generation X who use violence and intimidation to achieve their ends.
It is the politics of hate.
Socialists are equated with Communists like Stalin in order to blacken the Left.
But this is plainly untrue.
Socialist governments in the West are not responsible for mass-murder and incarceration.
This is merely a ploy to paint left-wing politics as totalitarian and cruel.
And it doesn't stop there.
The Hippies were called loose - meaning they were somehow morally deficient.
But this is blatant hypocrisy by the generation which popularized male strippers and toy-boys.
How they can call anybody loose is beyond me.
But the greatest transgression of Generation X was to turn to evil.
They boasted that they were pure evil.
This was to threaten and terrify anyone who opposed them and bash them into submission.
And then they whitewashed their crimes by siding with the Religious Right who welcomed them with glee and ignored their bad behavior and spiritual duplicity.
By calling politicians corrupt they smeared the Left and bolstered the Right.
All of this is politically motivated.
And it ensured the victory of the Right who used religion to demonize and damn their opponents.
But the truth will out.
Generation X and their allies in the corporations and the Religious Right turned to evil and hate and violence to brainwash and reconstruct a whole generation.
History will call them evil.
Photo Credit: November Books.