Friday, 25 June 2021


We all want happiness.

But no one knows how to achieve it.

We pursue pleasure.

Thinking that pleasure is happiness.

But it's not.

Pleasure can lead to burn-out, emptiness, and misery.

The happiest people are those who are doing something to help others.

So is unselfishness happiness?

Not if it is not voluntary.

Helping others out of fear of punishment or a misplaced sense of obligation can lead to resentment and bitterness.

So from where does happiness come?

I believe it comes from our heart.

We are only truly happy when we are in love.

Something within us - our soul - needs love.

But it is when we learn to give love that we finally find happiness.

And then we will help and sacrifice and serve with joy!

Because our actions come form the heart.

Photo Credit: Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 24 June 2021


By concentrating on the suffering of Christ the Catholic Church has traditionally created suffering where there was none.

Because they impose a negative doctrine the results are mostly negative.

People have been told that they should be suffering and if they are not then they are sinners.

This creates the mentality that all pleasure and indeed happiness itself is sinful.

This is pointless.

The reality is that Jesus leads us to God.

And the experience of God creates Joy!

Photo Credit: Darren and Brad Flickr via Compfight cc

(The image has been slightly modified.)

Wednesday, 23 June 2021


You will never understand what is happening in our world until you see the Satanism which has infected rock music, popular entertainment, and sports.

Deliberate evil sabotages our spirituality, our hopes, and our aspirations.

It infects us with a death-wish.

And it tries to kill us.

If not physically then spiritually.

It breaks our hearts.

It corrupts the powerful.

And it victimizes the vulnerable.

Turn it off.

It is Anti-Christian.

And it worships the Beast.

It is poison.

It curses your soul.

And it attacks your mind.

So be wary of any songs or movies which embrace the dark side: violence, murder, evil, night, or death.

It is the work of hidden Satanism.

And we can do without it.

Photo Credit: Flashouilleur Fou Flickr via Compfight cc

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

A Human Heart.

1.  Sympathy.

2.  Compassion.

3.  Understanding.

4.  Forgiveness.

5.  Tolerance.

6.  Mercy.

7.  Generosity.

8.  Goodness.

9.  Truthfulness.

10. Honesty.

11. Unconditional Love.

All of equal importance.

Photo Credit: Daniel Kulinski Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

The Age of Aquarius.

1.  Feed the World.

2.  Make Peace.

3.  A Living Wage.

4.  Heal the Planet.

5. Gun Control.

6.  Corporate Tax.

7.  Gay Rights.

8.  Equality for Women.

9.  Religious Tolerance.

10. Health Care.

11. Clean Water.

All of equal importance.

Photo Credit: Dougtone Flickr via Compfight cc

(The image has been slightly modified.)

Saturday, 12 June 2021


Gay men love muscle.

But musclemen are targets

For devils in media.

They call them:

Monsters. Animals, Devils, Beasts.

But muscle worship is love.

And even desire will bless their souls.

We put them in Heaven.

Our love will save them.

Photo Credit:

Thursday, 10 June 2021

The United Nations.

It is time to give our support to the United Nations.

Rather than obstructing their work and withholding funds we should return the United Nations to its rightful place in the world.

The Sustainable Development Goals are realistic targets for the year 2030.

We should all support these targets and do all we can to assist their realization.

There are many agencies attached to the United Nations that can realistically help to solve the world's problems.

We should all support their work.

Photo Credit: poroshenko.petro Flickr via Compfight cc

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Saving the World.

In the 1960s the Baby-Boomer Generation set out to save the world.

Peace and love and the redistribution of wealth were our objectives.

But we were betrayed by our rock stars into lives of drugs and degradation.

And we were blamed and shamed by the next generation.

The upshot of this was that there was little left of 1960s idealism.

But there is a spark of light on the Internet.

Young people are becoming politically and socially active and it is our responsibility to support them.

Quite recently I saw an advertisement on the television which featured a woman who said: "I'm a typical 1960s Hippie and I'm not trying to save the world I'm just saving up for a trampoline for my grandchildren."  

This was deliberate corporate propaganda and it was not received well.

In fact it may have inspired some to reignite their ideals.

It was an insult.

And it was taken as such.

So don't be discouraged by propaganda and pressure.

The ideals of the 1960s are still relevant today.

In fact now they are needed more than ever.

Photo Credit: dsgetch Flickr via Compfight cc

Monday, 7 June 2021

Temple of Love.

Your body

Is  a Temple of Love.

Alive in the giving

Of your beautiful heart.

An Angel of Mercy,

An Agent of Salvation.

You live in the open

Heart of God.

Alive in the giving,

Abide in God's Love.

Photo Credit: Pinterest.

Saturday, 5 June 2021


"For there is still a vision for the appointed time."  Habakkuk 2:3 (NRSV)

God is the author of the Light that is coming into the world.

His Light is opening our eyes.

And opening the scriptures to us.

And His Light is manifesting in all religions and in no religion.

Progressive Christianity, the Catholic Church, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Yoga, ethics, science, activism.....

All these things are converging into one unified vision.

A vision that will save us from the darkness which has engulfed us.

Follow your heart.

And move towards the Light.

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

Photo Credit: Images George Rex Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 3 June 2021


We can forget in our passion for justice that employers have rights as well.

All are equal before God.

And that includes the rich and the powerful.

But this is not to justify oppression and exploitation.

Workers have the right to a living wage.

But in asserting the rights of workers we should take into account the problems of employers.

Then their fears will abate.

And we will have peace in the workplace.

Photo Credit: DeGust Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday, 1 June 2021


Your body is a Temple.

The vital Shrine of Life!

Your legs are like marble pillars.

Your arms like sculptured rock.

Your eyes sparkle like jewels.

And your smile delights our hearts!

Your beauty inspires Heaven.

And your love is our soul's bliss!

Photo Credit: Pinterest.