Saturday, 31 October 2020


The mass-media deals in perceptions.

It has no regard for the truth.

And it has no regard for persons.

Since the 1980s when Ronald Reagan began his counter-revolutionary campaign we have been living in a lie.

The perception that the Hippies and Baby-Boomers were in some way evil because of their liberal philosophy and their left-wing politics is a lie.

This lie was endorsed by Generation X because of their fear that left-wing ideals were not economically viable and they wanted money.

And right-wing Fundamentalist Christian organizations endorsed Reagan's vision and conspired with corporate leaders and Generation X to bring about the downfall of the left-leaning, liberal Hippies.

Standover tactics and psychic and spiritual violence saw the Baby-Boomers reconstructed as pragmatic realists.

But the right-wing vision of God is a lie.

God is not a vindictive judge and moral wowser.

God is our loving Father.

And Jesus is a prophet of love and the Prince of Peace.

The truth is much closer to the Hippies' original vision of the world. 

The radical love of God and the revolutionary forgiveness of Jesus are closer to the reality.

The conspiracy of the black shirts is an evil plot.

So be aware that the corporate-owned media manipulate our perceptions.

And they control us with violence and fear.

Look for the truth.

And have the courage of your convictions.

Photo Credit: PORTOBESENO Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 30 October 2020

Celebrity Culture.

We are bombarded with images and information about celebrities and wannabes.

Every day there is a new drama, a new revelation, a new sensation.

But following celebrity culture is folly.

Many are of dubious value.

Even more are of dubious virtue.

Some are outright evil.

We are encouraged to worship them.

And copy their fashions and their fetishes.

But we have been betrayed.

They are false gods.

Evil angels.

We must look elsewhere for our inspiration.

Photo Credit: Kris Olin Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 29 October 2020

White Privilege.

Western white privilege is supported by a network of social conventions which hide the perpetrators of injustice while whitewashing the beneficiaries.

This has solidified into what we call the System.

Business and legal conventions combine to protect the System at every turn.

This System was established by violence and is maintained by fear.

It is now global.

Solid barriers distance us from the consequences of our actions.

Bargains do not tell you about the slave labor that created them.

Corporations subcontract to companies using slave labor and ask no questions.

If it is discovered they merely say they knew nothing about it and no one is charged.

But we benefit from the cheap goods they produce.

And we ask no questions.

We are all implicated.

But who can challenge this Behemoth?

Corporate activism is emerging.

Shareholder activism is beginning.

But it is yet to be seen whether these moves can challenge the giants of corporate ownership.

And, of course, our media is owned by corporate plutocrats.

Media moguls use the media to hide corruption and sanatize privilege.

And anyone who challenges them is hit with a beat up hate campaign.

So we are stuck with the System.

We can only pray for change.  


Photo Credit: Flickinpicks Flickr via Compfight cc

Wednesday, 28 October 2020


So what is the remedy for this flood of evil which has engulfed us?

We must become benevolent.

We must become innocent.

We must become good.

We must become clean.

We must become virtuous.

We must become saints.

We must become humane.

We must become human.

We must become doves.

We must become big softies.

All these things will help to reverse the slow corruption of humanity.

It is up to the good people in our society to take the reigns and move forward into a better future.

Photo Credit: wwarby Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday, 27 October 2020


Anti-religious atheism in our world is being fed by Satanists in our popular culture.

Rock stars, comedians, commentators, sportsmen.....

All of these feed anti-Christian hatred.

How often will you hear a joke about religious issues which ridicules the Church?

How often will rock songs use religious language in a pseudo-enlightened or blasphemous way? 

This is Satanism hidden in our culture.

And we would do well to recognize it.

Photo Credit: Ariana Grande.

Monday, 26 October 2020


The reason that we cannot see the evil in our world is because many religious people label innocent people they disagree with evil

And those who are truly evil are disguised as good.

Labeling innocent people evil leads us to believe that there is no real evil in our world.

While rock stars, celebrities, and sports people who have sold their souls for fame and fortune pose as heroes and saviors.

The modern disbelief in the devil protects them.

I do not believe in Satan as a fallen angel.

But I do believe that rock stars and others do believe in Satan and act accordingly.

The works that they do are evil and damage everyone.

So I do believe that there is evil in our world.

But it's not who you think.


Photo Credit: alessiodisalvo Flickr via Compfight cc

Sunday, 25 October 2020



By the Waters.


By the Sun.


By Azure.


By Love.

Photo Credit: beautifulbodybuilder.

Saturday, 24 October 2020


The sign of Aquarius is an enigma.

Despite the fact that it relates to humanitarianism and universal brotherhood, the symbols of Aquarius are a mystery. 

Aquarius means water but it is an air sign.

The water in the jar is life-giving - the water of life - which comes from God.

It is not spiritual knowledge as some think, unless you accept that spiritual knowledge is all about love.

The jar that the Water Carrier holds is your heart.

The hieroglyph ab.

And the life-giving water in the jar is love.

The mental concept (air) which exemplifies Aquarius is unconditional love.

So open your heart and give love to everyone.

Photo Credit: Images George Rex Flickr via Compfight cc 

Friday, 23 October 2020

Same-Sex Unions.

Pope Francis has hinted at acceptance of homosexual unions.

But the hierarchy of the Catholic Church is yet to accept homosexuals as full members.

We cannot receive communion.

Or serve in positions of leadership in the Catholic Church.

His Church still teaches that homosexuality is a sin.

What I would say to gay men and women is this:

God loves you.

God does not discriminate. 

You will go to Heaven when you die.

And don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Photo Credit: Catholic Church (England and Wales) Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 22 October 2020


As the dubia (doubts) of the American Bishops emerge it is becoming clear that what they fear is not moral decay but loss of power and privilege.

What the Catholic Bishops are defending is the fear based control mechanism which keeps them on top.

Pope Francis has proposed a more open model of conscience which embraces the mercy and forgiveness of God.

The fact that the Bishops are objecting at all betrays the nature of their motivation.

This is Phariseism in the Church.

And we can do without it.  

Photo Credit: Catholic Church (England and Wales) Flickr via Compfight cc

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

The Printing Press.

The printing press, the gramophone, the movies, radio, television. the Internet.....

All these mass-media inventions have been used by evil people in our world to corrupt, torture, and control everyone. 

So that now we barely know what we think at all.

Satanists working through the collective unconscious manipulate words and images which determine our thoughts and our behavior.

Mostly this is a subtle game of temptation and damnation.

But God will not damn us for something which is beyond our control.

His mercy and forgiveness will prevail.

In the meantime we suffer. 

Photo Credit: pockethifi Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

What It's All About.

It's not about being in charge and telling everybody what to do.

It's not about being part of a ruling elite.

It's not about power.

It's not about money or status.

It's about love and the well-being of every individual.

Photo Credit: Kabelitz Porzellan Flickr via Compfight cc

Monday, 19 October 2020

God is Love.

There is no devil.

There is no hell.

God is One.

God is merciful.

God is compassionate.

But most of all:

God is Love.

Photo Credit: Gilbert-Noël Sfeir Mont-Liban Flickr via Compfight cc

(The image has been slightly modified.)

Sunday, 18 October 2020

Reconstructed Hippies.

The Hippie Generation set out to change the world.

Peace and Love combined with civil rights to rise up against the powers of the world.

But we were betrayed by our rock stars into lives of drugs and degradation.

Sex and drugs and rock and roll wrecked a whole generation of idealists.

But it was not until the 1980s that our ideals were destroyed.

Ronald Reagan and Generation X attacked our ideals in a violent rebellion against our politics.

Psychic violence and political pressure reconstructed the Hippie Generation en mass.

Now we merely enjoy our pleasures and pursue distractions which feed the economy and the Status Quo.     

Photo Credit: Ed Yourdon Flickr via Compfight cc

Saturday, 17 October 2020


The secret of Satanism, which dominates our dance venues, is that everything they do is backwards.

So they make straight men do gay stuff and they make gay men have girls.

This can be clearly seen in the way they handle gay pop music.

All the gay icons are women:

Kylie, Madonna, Lady Gaga.....

And they're nor even gay women.
They're straight.

So when you are puzzled by what your pop stars are doing ask yourself if it is backwards.

You might be surprised.

Photo Credit: J.E.T. 603 Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 16 October 2020

Pray for Peace.

Following the example of Tony Blair in Northern Ireland and the advice of Pope Francis I we should initiate dialogue between the conflicting parties in our world and then go back to our churches and our synagogues and our mosques and our temples and pray for peace.  

Photo Credit: Paul Saad Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Make Peace.

How can we make peace in our world?

It is one thing to decry the war and violence around us but it is another thing to do something about it.

Apart from making our voice heard in society we must make peace in our own lives.

This involves burying the hatchet with family, friends, and enemies.

It demands humility and it demands forgiveness.

The humility to admit when we are wrong.

And forgiveness of others when we are wronged.

So to make peace in our world we must make peace in our own lives.

In our relationships and with ourselves.  

Photo Credit: Dimitry B Flickr via Compfight cc

(The image has been slightly modified.)

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Pleasures and Treasures.

If the members of our Churches continue to indulge in excessive pleasures like overseas holidays, luxury cars, and holiday houses while claiming to support the poor and marginalized in our world then we will have to look elsewhere for change. 

They rationalize their pleasures and appropriate the goodness of God while doing nothing to help the poor and needy even in their own congregations.

They are dishonest and corrupt.

They may be nice people and they may look after their families and friends.

They may support charities. 

But the amount they give is small compared to the amount they spend on themselves.

Jesus said of them: 

"'For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have?  Do not even the tax-collectors do the same?  And if you greet only your brothers and sisters, what more are you doing than others?  Do not even the Gentiles do the same?'"  Matthew 5:46,47 (NRSV)

"Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and do not do what I tell you?'"  Luke 6:46 (NRSV)

"'"This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me."'"  Matthew 15:8 (NRSV)

"'For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.'"  Matthew 6:21 (NRSV)

So have a heart that loves all people.

Help them and pray for them.

Pray for others to overcome their fears.

And you will have treasure in Heaven.

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

Photo Credit: roger4336 Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday, 13 October 2020


Joseph Goebbels said: "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

And this is what Satanists in our world are doing.

Disregarding any vestiges of truth they merely keep repeating their lies.

They will say: "You are dead to God", "You have fallen from grace", "You are cut off from God", "You are damned", "You are guilty", "You are evil".....

All these things are hidden in their music.

And they are lies.

But they keep on repeating them anyway.

The truth is:

God does not punish us.

God punishes no one.

Therefore there can be no death, no fall, no cut off, no damnation, no hell.

God loves us unconditionally.

Like a Father.

And a father does not condemn his children.

He helps them.

He protects them.

He provides for them.

So do not believe their wicked lies no matter how often they repeat them.

God loves you.

And He will not condemn.

Photo Credit: Ed Yourdon Flickr via Compfight cc

Monday, 12 October 2020


"But when the tenants saw the son, they said to themselves 'This is the heir, let us kill him and get his inheritance.'"  Matthew 21:38 (NTSV)

The impulse to kill is inspired by jealousy.

And jealousy is fear. 

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

Photo Credit: Pisa73 Flickr via Compfight cc

Sunday, 11 October 2020

New Growth.

"'The seed would sprout and grow, he doesn't know how.'" Mark 4:27 (NRSV)

The Traditional Churches are dying.

Their members have given up and their congregations are dwindling.

But within the mainstream Churches there is new growth.

Many Churches are turning to the ideas of Progressive Christianity as a source of hope.

Even if the leadership is still mired in Orthodox theology their parishioners are embracing progressive ideas.

And this is not surprising because Progressive Christianity satisfies the intellect without abandoning faith.

Progressive Christianity replaces negative doctrines with positive doctrines.

It does not expect you to believe the unbelievable.

But it maintains a belief in a holistic God.

A God who is wholly benevolent.

A God who is Love.

This is the seed that was planted by God.

And it grows, we do not know how.

[Scripture quotation (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

Photo Credit: Theo Crazzolara Flickr via Compfight cc

Saturday, 10 October 2020

God is Alive!

On April 8 1966 Time Magazine asked the question "Is God Dead?"

The article within spoke about modern theologians writing God out of the picture.

But it was almost 100 years earlier that Friedrich Nietzsche wrote "God is dead" in his book about science.

He said God is dead and mankind must find an alternative formula to live by.

Neither of these is true.

Science may have moved humankind's minds away from the Divine but that does not mean it is not there.

God is alive! 

And living in Heaven.
We can contact God through prayer.

In the Modern Era science may have moved people to disbelieve in God.

But in the Post-Modern Era it has become apparent that science does not have all the answers.

Theoretical physics for example is becoming more and more metaphysical as it searches for answers to perplexing anomalies.

Pseudo-religions like drugs and magic are reasserting right-brain imaginative thinking.

As we enter the Age of Aquarius the time has come for a new revelation from God.

And this is manifesting through progressive religious ideas.

Ideas that harmonize science and religion.

Ideas that balance left-brain rational and right-brain imaginative thinking.

And you can tune into this light from God through study and contemplation.

God is alive!    

Photo Credit: Roland J. Sims Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 9 October 2020


I read a survey on the Internet which rated all the countries of the world in order of happiness.

Finland was the world's happiest country.

And the top ten was dominated by Scandinavian countries.

The U.S.A. and the U.K. were 18th and 19th.

The unhappiest countries were mostly in Africa, particularly areas affected by war.

Australia was 10th behind Canada and New Zealand.

It is significant that the Scandinavian countries were the happiest because they have the world's best welfare systems so people felt secure.

Rich countries with poor social safety nets rated much lower on the list.  

Photo Credit: VisitLakeland Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 8 October 2020


The only reference to masturbation in the Bible is the story of Onan in Genesis 38.

Onan was said to have "spilled his seed on the ground whenever he went into his brothers wife."  Genesis 38:9 (NRSV)   

But this was not the reason why Onan was said to have displeased God.

What displeased God was the fact that by doing this he was failing to "perform the duty of a brother-in-law" to Tamar whose husband had died.  Genesis 38:8 (NRSV)

It was the custom of the time that a man would marry his brother's widow if the brother died and sire children in his brother's name.

So there is no objection to masturbation in the Bible.

This is good news because all men masturbate and anyone who says he doesn't is a liar.

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]    

Photo Credit: Michael Taggart Photography Flickr via Compfight cc

Wednesday, 7 October 2020


The word fornication does not appear in the Old Testament.

Jesus uses the word once in the context of what defiles a person.

The rest are in Paul's letters.

But in Genesis 1 God says to the first couple: "Be fruitful and multiply."  Genesis 1:28 (NRSV)

This is God's blessing on human sexuality.

There is no mention of marriage or even faithfulness.

But a man will sow his wild oats in his youth and then settle down with one partner.

This is the way it is designed.

And this is exactly what happens in the gay scene. 

Men experiment with several partners before settling down with one person.

So objections to homosexual activity on the grounds of fornication are largely irrelevant especially in the context of modern de-facto relationships.

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]   

Photo Credit: Kervin R. Flickr via Compfight cc 

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

God 2.

When we are young we are presented with a God that is a harsh judge and punisher of bad behavior.

Later in life we encounter the powers of the world which enforce the imperatives of materialism.

Neither of these gods represents the real God.

The real God is on the side of the losers

He is with the poor, the marginalized, the oppressed.

He does not judge or punish us.

He loves us like a Father.

His love is constant.

And His mercy is infinite.

It is inevitable that we will make mistakes.

But God will forgive us.

He is considerate and understanding.

He knows us.

And He wishes to be in relationship with us.

Like a Mother.

The real God is all the things we wish were in the world but aren't.

Once we realize this we are Home at last. 

Photo Credit: TELL others about Christ! Flickr via Compfight cc

(The image has been slightly modified.)

Monday, 5 October 2020

God 1.

Satanists in our popular culture will tell you that God is punitive, judgemental, harsh, cold, tyrannical, anti-sex, and irrational.  

They have internalized the image of God which the Church has traditionally taught.

But this is not the true image of God.

God is merciful, forgiving, reliable, trustworthy, constant, compassionate, considerate, and loving.

In fact love is the inmost nature of God.

We have nothing to fear from God.

There is no devil in reality.

So Satanists in rock music and sports are wasting their time.

Their apostasy is based on a false premise.

But because this false premise was created by God's Church they will be exonerated.  

 Photo Credit: █ Slices of Light █▀ ▀ ▀ Flickr via Compfight cc

(The image has been slightly modified.)