Wednesday, 28 February 2018



As late as the last century people who were left-handed were forced to use their right hand for writing etc..

This was because the left hand was associated with the devil and left-handedness was thought to be evil.

It is the same with homosexuality in the modern world.
Right-wing Evangelical Christians and others think that homosexuality is of the devil and evil.  Therefore they force them to change.

This is nothing but torture and the modern equivalent of the ignorance regarding left-handedness.

In the future homosexuality will be considered no more abnormal than left-handedness.

It will be just another variety of God's good creation.

Photo Credit: Eric Dupuis Flickr via Compfight cc

Monday, 26 February 2018

A Human Heart.


is a human sign.

It represents

the water of life

which is love.

Open your heart!



It would seem a simple thing to change the international tax laws to make multi-national corporations pay tax in the countries in which they make their profits.

This would not only benefit Third World countries but Western governments would be able to wipe out deficits and finance their welfare commitments.

But the governments of the world are not doing anything.

Why is this?


The people in power in our world's governments have their fingers in the till.  They benefit from tax evasion practices themselves and most are captive to the very corporations which would be affected by changes to the laws.

So what can we do?

We can vote for candidates who say that they are committed to tax reform.  But there is no guarantee that when they get elected they will do what they have promised.

Most of the politicians who are in power now have promised to reform corporate tax laws.  But they are not doing it.

Letters pledging commitment to these reforms are not worth the paper they are written on.

People are fed up.

Fed up with lies and corruption.

Photo Credit: Magnus Fröderberg Flickr via Compfight cc

Sunday, 25 February 2018

The Message.


So what is the Message?

The Message is:

God's Love and forgiveness are available to everyone.

God does not punish us.

There is no hell.

There is no devil.

There is no judgement.

God is trustworthy.

God's Love is steadfast and reliable.

You have nothing to fear from God.

Sex is part of God's good creation.

Homosexuality is equivalent to heterosexuality.

God also loves gay and lesbian people.

Photo Credit: golden.spork Flickr via Compfight cc

Saturday, 24 February 2018



Jesus spoke to women who were an underclass in Jewish society.

He spoke to Samaritans who were despised enemies of the Israelites.

Jesus dined with tax-collectors (Roman collaborators) and prostitutes.

Even St. Paul included Jew and Greek, male and female, slave and free.....

So why do modern Christians struggle to accept gays and lesbians?

The inclusive behavior of the historical Jesus leads us to believe that he would have included gays and lesbians in his New Covenant.

Even so the time has come to discard out-dated notions of superiority and exclusiveness.

God does not discriminate.

He loves everyone.

Including gays and lesbians.

Photo Credit: Accretion Disc Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 23 February 2018

A New Reformation.


In the past the Christian Churches have preached good works to earn your place in Heaven.

And sins, especially sexual sins, will land you in hell forever.

This kept everyone in line and maintained the power of the Church.

But modern educated people would not be bullied in this way.

They left the Church in droves.

The child sexual abuse scandals were just the straw that broke the camel's back.

It is time for a New Reformation of the Church.

A Reformation which returns to the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.

Jesus taught Love.

Love God and love your neighbor.

Forgiveness, mercy, compassion, charity, and peace.....

All these things derive from the teachings of Jesus.

The Church will have to give up its big stick - HELL - and return to the original position of servant.

The Church is there to serve the community not to rule over it.

The Church is a servant not a master.

All too often the Church has assumed the position of master in order to gain power over humanity.

But Jesus said, "'whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be your slave.'"  Matthew 20: 26.27 (NRSV)

So the Church must change.

It must move on from the Machiavellian carrot and stick religion of the past and preach the Gospel of Love.

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.] 

Photo Credit: TablinumCarlson Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 22 February 2018


Do not

be afraid


manly tears.

Compassion and Love

will warm



Photo Credit: TimOve Flickr via Compfight cc

Wednesday, 21 February 2018



those who


your manly beauty.

They will

shower you



Photo Credit: SSCusp Flickr via Compfight cc

The Alternative.


If you are sick of feeling rotten and negative.
If you keep trying but nothing works.
If you have given up.

There is an alternative.

The negative influences in your life come from rock music, T.V., movies, and sports.

Turn them off.
Throw them away.

There is a positive spiritual influence available to you.

Go into your room.
Close the door.
And pray.

God will hear you.

And He will answer.

Photo Credit: TJ.Photography Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday, 20 February 2018


Beware of


who says

you will be worshipped

like a god.

No doubt

he is a devil


he wants your soul

in hell!

Credit: Sixth Pictorial Flickr via Compfight cc

Monday, 19 February 2018



If God does not judge or punish us then how does He stop us from sinning?

This is the classic argument in favor of the system of rewards for good behavior and punishments for bad behavior.

It betrays a dim view of humanity.

But what is the cause of sin?

Contrary to standard wisdom I believe that sin is caused by feeling unloved and abused.

"They don't give a stuff about me so why should I obey their rules?"

God addresses this lack by loving us all the more.

But it is when we begin to love others that we really blossom.

God's way is the way of the heart.

Love God and love your neighbor.

Then we will not need to sin.

Photo Credit: Stefan Botnari Flickr via Compfight cc

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Good News and Bad News.


There's good news and bad news.

I'll tell you the bad news first:

We are all caught in a gigantic Satanic conspiracy.
Our music, T.V., movies, literature, and sports have all been infiltrated by people who have sold their souls to the devil and practise black magic and Satanism.

They use the mass media to spread their evil web.

This is not immediately apparent because most of this is done on the unconscious level with backtracking and subliminal images.

Many of the people involved are famous rock stars, actors and directors, and sports men and women.

But there's good news:

God can rescue you from these dark forces.

We are forgiven and saved.

He will wipe away our tears.

And admit us to Heaven.

Go into your room and close the door.

Pray to God with a sincere heart.

And He will answer you.

Photo Credit: Joshua Oxendale Flickr via Compfight cc

Saturday, 17 February 2018



Satanism has a negative approach to sex.

It says - "I have been bad and I deserve to be punished."

It is spanky.
It is madam lash.
It is sado-masochistic.

It is not better than religious prudery.

In fact it is the flip-side of religious prudery.

The worst manifestation of this is the idea that all sex is of the devil and therefore anyone who has sex goes to hell.

This, of course, is ridiculous.
But these ideas are becoming more and more prevalent in our society, mostly through rock music.

Satanism saturates our popular culture.

So don't be fooled into thinking their ideas are more sensible than religion.  In fact they take the worst of religion and glorify it.

They romanticize damnation.

And they lie, they deceive everyone.

Photo Credit: Cheeky's photographs Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 16 February 2018

Its Proper Place.

What is the proper place for sex?

Sex is a natural part of life.

Sex is the source of life itself.

It is very strong in adolescence when it is mixed with feelings of love and the desire for union with another.

It could be said that the feeling of finding a personal partner with whom to consummate our love is the strongest feeling we have.

So notions of disapproval and negative attitudes to sex are highly inappropriate.

Religion is largely responsible for these negative attitudes.

If St. Paul had his way the human race would die out altogether.

The time has come to find a proper place for sex that is not ruled by fear and disgust.

Sex is good.

Sex is Life.

Sex is Love.

So do not be afraid of sex.

It is a blessing.

It is a gift from God.

And it is everyone's right to enjoy it.

Photo Credit: Alexandr Kravchenko.

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Sexual Liberation.

It is O.K. to liberate sex from guilt and fear.

It may not be O.K. to separate sex from love.

To engage in sex as a kind of hunt is not good for the hunted or the hunter.

Sex without love hurts people.

And it is this which is undesirable.

Photo Credit: Joss0177 Flickr via Compfight cc

Gays in Heaven.

Contrary to common belief

Gay men will go to Heaven!

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

The Future.

The churches of the future will be:

Light.  Circular.  Open.

God will be present.

We will be equal.

Worship will be centering.

Centered in the heart.

Open to God and to others.

Photo Credit: Vitor D'Agnoluzzo Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

The Past.


The churches of the past were:

Cold.  Rigid.  Forbidding.

Is this how they saw their religion?

Cold.  Rigid.  Forbidding.

Modern churches are usually different:

No cold stone.  No high ceilings.  No steeples.

What could this mean?

Could our conception of God be different?

Is God closer?  Warmer?  Less patriarchal?

And what of the future?

What will the churches of the future be like?

Photo Credit: raaen99 Flickr via Compfight cc

Monday, 12 February 2018



Some people say that Church men and women are cold, that they are unfriendly, standoffish, and judgemental.

The reason for this is fear.

Traditionally the Church has taught us to fear God, to fear sex, to fear sin, and to fear difference.

And this leads to hearts of stone.

But if you open your heart to God and to others you will gain a heart of flesh - a heart that loves human beings, even strangers and aliens.

So open your heart and love God and others.

Photo Credit: weekend_vagabond Flickr via Compfight cc

Sunday, 11 February 2018



It is easy for destructive influences in our society to pick up on negatives in religion.

Atheists and Satanists stress the negative aspects of religion: violence, hypocrisy, judgementalism, legalism, hate.....

But they never refer to the positive aspects of religion: justice, peace, mercy, charity, compassion, love.....

It is easy to blame religion for the ills of the world.

But religions also do a lot a of good in the world.

So when you are tempted to blame the Churches or Islam be aware that good also derives from religion.

Photo Credit: cloudzilla Flickr via Compfight cc

Saturday, 10 February 2018

A Theory of Everything.


Scientists are seeking a Theory of Everything.

They have proposed a universal field in which matter develops.

What could this field be?

Some call it the Mind of God.

But I say: Could it be Love?

The basic root of all human existence is love.

This is also true for animals.

Even plants and trees seem to respond to love.

Could the attractive force which forms the stars be Love?

Some say that God is Love.

So could it be that the unifying field which creates the whole of the universe is Love?

Photo Credit: tkolos Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 9 February 2018



Why did the world's most famous rock band bring out an album with a photograph of themselves covered in bloody meat and headless babies?

You may well ask.

Photo Credit: M2JournalismeCulturel Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Aleister Crowley.


Why do rock bands acknowledge Aleister Crowley?

His saying "Do what you will" was a catch-cry for rock bands in the 1960s and 1970s.

But Aleister Crowley was a black magician and Satanist who advised people how to make pacts with the devil.

Hardly the sort of person you would want to emulate.

His followers were accused of killing babies in their Satanic death rituals.

It is no secret that rock bands follow him.
One famous rock band even lived in his house.
And it was reported that the son of the lead singer of this band died in some kind of Satanic ritual.

So don't take rock music at face value.

There may be evil hidden beneath.

Photo Credit: The Disinformation Company Flickr via Compfight cc

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

At First Sight.


When right-wing Christians first realized that rock music was a vehicle for Satanism they took everything at face value.

By that I mean that they called peace and love and socialism Satanic.

What they failed to realize was that rock Satanism wears a mask.

What appears on the surface may not be overtly Satanic.

For example a certain famous rock band brought out an album with a pure white cover but the songs on the album were dark and disturbing - Satanism was hidden in the music.

But it was not the pure whiteness of the cover that was Satanic - this was to mislead you - the Satanism lay beneath.

So don't just reject the positive values of the 1960s and 1970s because their rock bands were Satanic.

You may be throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

Photo Credit: latestthoughts Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Live Long.


Only the good live long.

It is a phenomenon of our modern world that rock stars and celebrities die young.

Either drug overdoses or degenerative diseases brought about by excess or even suicide see them die at an early age.

The good, on the other hand, live long.

It is not uncommon for those who have lived in a more positive way to reach their 90s, even to live to 100.

So do not follow the example of stars who burn themselves out while still young.

Be good and live long.

Photo Credit: Everyday Exile by Tammy Winand Flickr via Compfight cc

Monday, 5 February 2018

Smear Campaign.


When Ronald Reagan was elected one of the first things he did was change the name of Cape Kennedy back to Cape Canaveral.

Then rumors started to appear about J.F.K.'s personal life - his affairs with women etc. - and the icon of 1960s left-wing idealism was besmirched forever.

I believe that this was done deliberately as part of Reagan's political campaign against the Baby-Boomers.

A victory march for Vietnam veterans followed.

And the idealism of the Baby-Boomer Generation was labelled Political Correctness.

We were called wrong-headed and reconstructed under intense intimidation from Generation X.

When Barak Obama was elected there was renewed interest in Martin Luther King Jn. and the civil rights movement of the 1960s.

It will be interesting to see what happens after Hillary Clinton's rejection as the first woman president of the United States.

Photo Credit: Lions Ground Broadcast Network Flickr via Compfight cc

Sunday, 4 February 2018

The Teaching.


God is Love.

There is no fear in love.

God does not punish us.

Let go of your fear.

Open your heart.

Love God.

Love your neighbor.

This is the Teaching.

Photo Credit: maxalbino Flickr via Compfight cc

Saturday, 3 February 2018



An Indian Guru once said to me, "When you join a religious group you may actually develop some problems you didn't have before."

I now realize that he was referring to sex.

Having grown up in the 1960s and 1970s I had quite a healthy, open-minded attitude to sex.

Since returning to the Christian Church in 1989, however, I have discovered that the institution still harbors serious fears about sex, especially homosexual sex.

This is backed up by its inverse - modern Satanism - which infects much of our popular culture.

So we cop it from both sides.

The problems in the Christian Churches derive from the writings of St. Paul.

Paul came from a strict sect of ascetic Pharisees and his problems with sex come from there.

Jesus did not condemn sex.
He saved the woman taken in adultery (John 8:1-11).
And he forgave the sinful woman who anointed his feet. (Luke 8:36-50).

He was known for eating with sinners and forgiving their sins.

So why is the Church still obsessed with sex?

Fear of sin and damnation drives them still.

There are numerous doctrines based on fear of sex:
Repression of the passions (Stoic).
All is clouded by desire (Buddhist).
The body of death (St. Paul).
The enemy of the spirit (St. Paul).
Animal instincts (general).
Evolution from animals to angels (modern).
Even bartering sex in exchange for heaven (Ascetic).

These theories are a blight on human philosophy and betray their origins in fear.

The time has come to leave them behind and move forward into a future of freedom.

Photo Credit: nicnac1000 Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 2 February 2018

Halos and Hearts.


We are used to seeing depictions of saints and angels, the Holy Family, and even Jesus himself with halos around their heads.

This leads us to believe that sainthood or holiness is about what we think.

But what we think is a secondary factor.

Sainthood is about the heart.

It is about Love.

Even the depictions of Jesus' and Mary's hearts have thorns and daggers around them which suggest suffering and pain.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus should not be surrounded by thorns and pierced by daggers.  These represent the passion and suffering of Jesus, not the unconditional love which Jesus showed to everyone.

So, in the future, representations of spiritual people should show an open heart giving love. 

Photo Credit: boy070756 Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Deconstructing Satanism.


The first lie to deconstruct is the idea that all sex is of the devil.

Sex is not the Original Sin.
Sex is an integral part of life and love and as such is intimately related to God.

The second lie is that you can sell your soul to the devil for fame and fortune and the perfection of your art.

There is no devil in reality.
So you cannot sell your soul.
Any apparent effects are the result of talent and hard work.

The third lie is that backwards words and images are magic.
These things are not magic but they work on the unconscious like subliminal propaganda.

The forth lie is that God tortures us for our sins.
God punishes no one.
His mercy is infinite and everlasting.

So don't just accept what is presented to you at face value.
It may be a deliberate lie.

Photo Credit: ASPapparel Flickr via Compfight cc