Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Monday, 30 October 2017
The Devil's Advice.
What we are doing by listening to rock music, watching Hollywood movies and reality T.V., and following sports is taking the devil's advice.
Messages hidden in our popular culture lure us into sin and transgression. They tell us to take drugs, get laid, indulge in extreme pleasures, work hard and play hard, reject God, and leave our loved ones.....
No wonder everyone's burnt out and divorced.
By accepting what we are given at face value we open ourselves to evil influences which sabotage and control us.
They tell us to spend, to buy their products, and to follow their websites.....
But be careful what you are copying.
It might just be the devil.
Photo Credit: berlinbinuu via Compfight cc
Sunday, 29 October 2017
"'Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who need no repentance.'" Luke 15:7 (NRSV)
"Then he said to her, 'Your sins are forgiven.'" Luke 7:48 (NRSV)
"And he said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you, go in peace.'" Luke 7:50 (NRSV)
And so it is that God does not punish sinners.
He opens His heart to them and forgives them.
Many people presume that God destroys sinners.
But this is not the case.
"Why do the wicked live on,
reach old age, and grow mighty in power?
Their children are established in their presence,
and their offspring before their eyes.
Their houses are safe from fear,
and no rod of God is upon them." Job 21:7-9 (NRSV)
So is there no justice?
Natural Justice is a human conception.
So when there appears to be no Divine Justice in life men have projected this (human) expectation into the afterlife.
In fact this is not how God functions at all.
God is Love.
And He extends His Love even to sinners.
As Jesus explains in the parable of The Two Debtors (Luke 7:41-43) he who is forgiven more will love more.
So do not hold out for a Day of Reckoning, a day when Natural Justice will be vindicated.
It will never come.
God waits for us.
"The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some think of slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:9 (NRSV)
[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission. All rights reserved.]
Photo Credit: e-medita via Compfight cc
Saturday, 28 October 2017
The Biblical parable of The Great Wedding Banquet* in which the invited guests refuse to accept and the Master sends his servants out into the streets to invite anyone who will come is paralleled by our modern experience.
When we tell the Good News of God's mercy and forgiveness and His infinite Love to members of the Churches they refuse to believe us.
And so we go out to tell the Good News to anyone who will listen.
* Luke 14:16-24.
Photo Credit: Parker Knight via Compfight cc
Friday, 27 October 2017
So why have I returned to the Church?
I returned to the Church in 1989.
The reason that I returned to the Church was that I uncovered the reason for the flood of violence, hatred, and evil which engulfed us all in the 1980s.
This was the practice of Satanism in rock music.
At first I thought that it was only contemporary rock stars who were practising Satanism. But it eventually became apparent that this practice went back to the 1960s.
To escape this evil influence I investigated various Churches.
Although some Evangelical Churches preached that rock music was Satanism most of them were hard-right conservatives who were homophobic and literal in their interpretation of the Bible.
Eventually I settled on the Uniting Church which was the most accepting of gay people.
I was pleased to find a more creative approach to worship.
And I took part in the debate on sexuality and homosexuality in the Church.
I was then confirmed into the Uniting Church in Australia.
But I still believed that rock musicians practised Satanism.
After many prayers about the existence of Satan as a being I received the answer that there was no devil in reality - the devil was an explanation for why bad things happened to good people and why there was evil in a world created by a good God.
But there are other explanations.
Evil is the acting out of ignorance and fear of people with free will.
There is no need for a devil.
But many people still believe that there is a devil.
As shown by the number of people in our entertainment industries who are involved in Satanism.
So there you have it.
Leaving and Return.
My new experience of church is good.
It is not perfect but I experience something real of God and share in the joy, peace, and love that is God.
Photo: My Confirmation 1997.
Thursday, 26 October 2017
Why are people leaving the Church?
I left the Church when I was 13 years old.
I was never confirmed.
This was 1967.
The reasons that I left the Church were because we (I and my peers) did not think that the Church as we experienced it reflected the teachings of Jesus or the will of a benevolent God.
But the main reason was the Church's attitude towards sex.
The Church seemed to think sexual desire was dirty and sinful and preached punishment for disobedience.
This especially related to homosexual desires although the subject was never referred to openly.
We considered churchgoers hypocrites.
But we never rejected God.
Nor did we reject the teachings of Jesus.
My experience of the Church was that it was dead.
The congregation went through the motions every Sunday reciting the prescribed words and singing the prescribed hymns but it seemed to me that they ignored it during the week and merely acted as if it didn't exist.
Hence the accusations of hypocrisy.
My experience of church was not good.
So I left.
But I never lost my faith in a loving God.
I just did not know how to reach Him.
As for the teachings of Jesus I believe that the whole of the peace and love movement of the 1960s was based on the teachings of Jesus.
But we were betrayed by our rock stars.
Peace and love became sex and drugs and rock and roll and a generation was ruined.
Other people may have other reasons but this is why I left the Church in 1967.
Photo Credit: andystones64 via Compfight cc
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
The Archangel Michael at Saint Etienne Cathedral.
Photo Credit: Jean-Jacques Boujot Flickr via Compfight cc
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
Free Spirits.
When I was growing up the purpose of the conservative establishment, which included the Church, seemed to be to force everyone to conform.
We were all to be God-fearing, law abiding workers who accepted the establishment's right to rule.
But there are in this world people who are free spirits.
People who do not fit the mold, people who won't do what they're told.
And unfortunately for the powers that be it is this personality type which exemplifies Aquarius.
We can only hope that the powers of the world can accept the new realities without resorting to violence.
Photo Credit: lfbc via Compfight cc
Monday, 23 October 2017
Is God a Person?
In his book Eager to Love Richard Rohr asks the question: "Is God a person?"
He goes on to explain that the word person was first applied to the Three Persons of the Trinity and only after that applied to human beings.
Christians experience God as intensely personal.
While we at once believe that God is more than a person our experience of His presence is extremely personal.
St. Paul said: "then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known." 1 Corinthians 13:12b (NRSV)
Progressive Christians can make the mistake of thinking of God in scientific terms - i.e. as an impersonal force or energy.
But creation includes life, consciousness, and personhood.
Jack Spong said, when he was accused of being a humanist, that he was not concerned because to become more human was the essence of spirituality.
So perhaps God is more human than we are.
In the Old Testament it says: "I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh." Ezekiel 11:19b (NRSV)
The process of becoming more human - of recognizing that everyone is a person - is the essential process of spirituality.
So rather than thinking of God as impersonal we should think of Him as more personal - more sensitive, more understanding, more lenient, more loving - even the ultimate of these things.
So God is not an impersonal judge.
God is our loving Father.
[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission. All rights reserved.]
Photo Credit: HEN-Magonza via Compfight cc
Sunday, 22 October 2017
Don't Blame God.
Every time there is an act of senseless violence in our world the media scream: "Why? Why? Why?"
As if it's somehow God's fault.
But it is not God's fault.
These things are done by ignorant human beings with free will.
Why does God not stop them?
For one thing He would be interfering all the time and there would be chaos.
For another thing He wants us to come to Him voluntarily.
He will not force us.
So when these things happen don't follow the media and blame God.
Pray to God for them to come to their senses and return to Him.
Photo Credit: SeanD69 via Compfight cc
Saturday, 21 October 2017
The devil is "He who deceives the whole world."
And his devotees deceive everyone.
Since the 1960s rock stars have been selling their souls to the devil and doing his work in the world.
This takes the form of morbid and destructive music and videos as well as more subtle sabotage and temptation.
This is done in the hope of leading people to transgression which will end in damnation.
But they themselves have been deceived.
There is no devil in reality, only God's Love.
Their evil and malice is for no purpose - the devil cannot reward them.
But the evil they do remains.
Generations are wrecked by drugs and divorce, sin and guilt, addictions and insanity.....
Many of the negative images and messages are unconscious, using symbolism and backtracking.
Everything is backwards and upside-down
It's no wonder youth suicide is rising.
Young people walk around with earplugs in listening to negative suggestion day and night.
So be more discriminating in what you listen to and watch.
Much of it is negative and dark.
Death, flames (hell), skulls, snakes, spiders, webs, graves, black, funerals, suicide, darkness, evil.....
All these things are signs of Satanism.
But much of it is covered up.
Rock stars may appear like messiahs or saviors, they may seem wise or even good.
But they are not.
They are false prophets.
We have all been deceived.
Photo Credit: Mikl Olivier via Compfight cc
Friday, 20 October 2017
"'See I am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.'" Matthew 10:16.
With these words Jesus sent his disciples out into the world.
We are not to be naive but to know the world for what it is and remain innocent and harmless all the while.
This is to see the potentiality for good in people even in the worst of circumstances.
It is to know God's forgiveness and mercy.
The free gift of God to humankind.
[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission. All rights reserved.]
Photo Credit: jawadn_99 via Compfight cc
Thursday, 19 October 2017
Sacred Heart.
Contrary to our received knowledge spiritual development does not stem from a set of mental propositions or principles.
Neither does it come from compliance with a set of behavioral requirements.
Spiritual development comes from the heart.
Love, compassion, forgiveness, mercy, generosity, charity, understanding.....
All these things flow from the heart.
So, rather than enforcing rigid moral principles, we should open our hearts to God and to those around us.
Photo Credit: Water Pix via Compfight cc
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
The Message.
The followers of Jesus have made a mistake.
They have mistaken Jesus - the messenger - for the message.
They worship the messenger - the person of Jesus - the Christ - and ignore the message.
And what is the message?
Photo Credit: Amor ao Crucificado via Compfight cc
Monday, 16 October 2017
"'The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.'" Matthew 13:44a (NRSV)
Don't mistake the field for the treasure.
"But we have this treasure in clay jars." 2 Corinthians 4:7a (NRSV)
Don't mistake the clay jars for the treasure.
So it is with world religions.
The worshippers of fields fight wars against the worshippers of clay jars over who has the treasure.
They do not realize that neither the fields nor the clay jars are the treasure itself.
Both and neither have the treasure.
And what is the treasure?
[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission. All rights reserved.]
Photo Credit: kawaiimandi via Compfight cc
Sunday, 15 October 2017
What can we do to counter the effects of modern Satanism?
Obviously we must point out the spurious nature of these ideas.
They will not stand up to scrutiny.
But because most of it is unconscious most people do not subject these ideas to the test of logic.
So we must put out counter-ideas which are true in order to counter their effects.
The major idea which we must put forward is the idea that sex is life, and as such sex is intimately associated with God, the creator of all life.
The Churches must change their teachings in regard to sex if we are to have any hope of a religious revival.
This is related to ideas about sex energy which come from Yoga and Eastern religions.
Yoga must reclaim the energy which comes from God and dissociate kundalini from Satan.
Perhaps a better image is the opening lotus flower which cannot be appropriated by Satanism.
All power comes from God.
And as such it is in His hands.
We must open our eyes and see what is being done to us and the people who are doing it.
It is no use just hiding in denial.
These things are discernible - you can see them - but we won't admit what they are.
Our rock legends are too precious to us.
Normality is too seductive.
But it is no use battling against them and trying to defeat them.
The only way to proceed is to dismantle their deceptions and force them to face the Reality.
There is no devil, no death, no hell.
Only God's Love.
Photo Credit: twmurph via Compfight cc
Saturday, 14 October 2017
The Dark Arts.
What rock musicians do is practise the dark arts.
Because they have sold their souls and serve Satan they cannot worship God or practise religion in the normal way.
So they turn it all upside down and backwards.
This is, in fact, what the dark arts are - an inversion of religious and spiritual practices.
They will sometimes mimic religion or spirituality but it will always be turned to the dark side.
Don't be fooled by references to Buddhism, Yoga, or the Kabbalah, these are made to confuse you and make you think that they are seekers.
But they are not.
Witchcraft, black magic, and the occult are their arena.
And their intentions are evil.
Photo Credit: ?who? via Compfight cc
Friday, 13 October 2017
What We're Up Against.
It is one thing to recognize the need for religious principles in our world, it is another to realize what we are up against.
We are not merely confronted with selfishness, greed, corruption, and violence, we are up against a consortium which works actively against our efforts.
This is the web of evil which permeates our popular culture.
Satanism has spread from rock music to all branches of our mass media.
Our entertainment is saturated with evil and sabotage.
We are cursed with darkness, negativity, hedonism, drugs, casual sex, and hell-fire.
But what you can see is just the tip of the iceberg.
Most of this evil is subliminal - it works on the unconscious.
So this is what we are up against.
Good luck!
Photo Credit: Tricia rawson via Compfight cc
Thursday, 12 October 2017
Drugs, drunkenness, disease, degradation, depravity, decadence, degeneration, depression, despair, decline, downfall.....
All these defects derive from the 1960s onwards.
And it's deliberate.
Rock music poisoned a whole generation of idealists.
By turning peace and love into sex and drugs and rock and roll they wrecked our bodies. our minds, and our dreams.
But there is a way out!
With God there is healing of body, mind, and spirit.
But first we must remove the source of the problem.
Rock music, reality T.V., dark movies, violent sports - all these diversions must be eliminated from our lives in order to free us from the devil-worship they disguise.
Go into your room.
Close the door.
And pray.
God will hear you.
And deliver you from evil.
NB The prefix de means to undo or reverse.
Photo Credit: Bart van Heezik via Compfight cc
Wednesday, 11 October 2017
David and Goliath.
It may seem that my efforts to alert people to the activities of Satanism in our popular culture is a battle of David against Goliath.
How can one person hope to bring down such a huge monster.
But David was the anointed one of God.
And his sling felled the mighty giant.
Photo Credit: Martha495 via Compfight cc
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
The face of modern Satanism wears a mask.
A mask that reflects our own expectations.
A mask of goodness, freedom, and success.
But what we take at face value is not what lies beneath.
Beneath this mask lies malice, malevolence, and evil.
Take drugs, party hard, get laid, spend money.....
These are messages which sabotage our happiness.
But even worse is backtracked beneath - death, suicide, violence, evil.....
So unmask the stars of modern music and entertainment.
And see them for what they are.
Photo Credit: rbs_j via Compfight cc
Monday, 9 October 2017
2376 CE.
The New Paradigm:
It is now commonly established that there is one God - the God of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed.
And there is no other.
This God is the Divinity of Buddhism and the Absolute of Hinduism.
And He is the Most High God.
All things exist in this one God and God is all things and more.
The world was created after the Big Bang had cooled down to create spiral galaxies of stars with circling planets.
Life on earth evolved from the first life in the sea to land creatures then to animals, birds, and humans.
God was intimately involved in all these changes.
This God has sent many messengers to humans throughout history.
Not only to Israel but to all human cultures.
His footprints can be seen in all human races.
Like the other messengers Jesus was a human being who made contact with God. He was the guiding spirit of the Age of Pisces and his revelation was a breakthrough in human understanding of God.
Jesus was not God.
Mary was not a virgin.
Jesus' death on the cross was not atonement for the sins of humanity.
Jesus' death was at the hands of earthly authorities who were threatened by his popularity. God did not require his death.
Jesus' resurrection was a spiritual not a physical event.
Jesus is not the only path to God.
God is the Father/Mother of all human beings so all people are our brothers and sisters. We are truly a family of humanity.
The nature of this God is wholly benevolent.
He is Father/Mother of all living things.
He is transcendent, sublime, beautiful, and good.
His qualities are: mercy, forgiveness, compassion, faithfulness, truthfulness, and love.
His Love is steadfast, reliable, and unconditional.
This God does not punish us or keep records of our behavior.
He loves us like a Father/Mother and will not condemn us.
No one is excluded from God's Love.
All races, sexual orientations, and faiths are acceptable to God.
God loves even those who have rejected Him.
There is no devil. no dark forces, no hell.
Only God's Love.
Sexual abstinence is not required for relationship with God.
Sex is natural part of God's good creation.
And all orientations are equally acceptable to Him.
In the end we all return to the God who gave us Life.
We die into His Love. And go to be with God and our loved ones who have gone before us.
NB 2376 CE is the year that the vernal equinox precesses from Pisces into the Sign of Aquarius.
Photo Credit: duaneschermerhorn via Compfight cc
Sunday, 8 October 2017
An Indian Yogi once said to me, "When you get involved with religion or spirituality you inherit some problems that you didn't have before."
This is true.
There are various negative aspects to the Church which turn people away.
These are things like: sex-phobia, fear, guilt, and obligation.
But these negatives are more than compensated for by the joy, peace, and love that we experience from our relationship with God.
Salvation is a free gift from God.
The rest is fear.
Photo Credit: theGoldenRoom via Compfight cc
Saturday, 7 October 2017
He smiles
as heads turn
to meet
his golden beauty.
His eyes
with unexpected
His heart
with tender
Photo Credit: TerryGeorge. Flickr via Compfight cc
Friday, 6 October 2017
Thursday, 5 October 2017
Sure of You.
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
Not only do we project our negative traits onto others.
Not only do we project our human qualities onto God.
But we project our goodness onto those who may not be good at all.
Photo Credit: notmaramacdonald via Compfight cc
Tuesday, 3 October 2017
God gave us
a beautiful world
in which to live.
But we have made
of it
a purlieu of evil.
Photo Credit: markuspeschina Flickr via Compfight cc
Monday, 2 October 2017
Strange Ideas.
Modern Satanism infects you with the strangest ideas.
The perfect example of this is fire.
By associating fire with sex and energy they make you want hell.
And by associating all sex with Satan and evil they make you want the devil.
And by appropriating the idea that the kundalini (power) is a serpent and therefore Satan they put all power in the hands of the devil.
And by associating death (black) with sex they make you want death (i.e. death to God).
And by blaming the Church for banning sex they make you hate God.
And by associating sin with fun they make you want to sin.
Unconsciously we associate sex with life and therefore think that the Church is death and the devil is life (which, of course, is backwards).
And by associating the toilet with sex (Freudianism) they make you want excrement and urine (the classic joke about hell).
So half the population is unconsciously practising Satanism without even realizing it.
My job is to point out what is happening and find the source of the problem.
Most of this is done through rock music.
But T.V. shows, movies, literature, and sports are also involved.
The first thing we have to realize is that the people behind these words and images are evil.
They sell their souls for fame and fortune and then do the devil's work (as described above) in the world.
This is the tip of the iceberg.
Most of it is done on the unconscious level.
But the effects can be clearly seen.
So unplug your earphones, throw away your C.D.s, turn off the T.V., and stay home.
These things are constantly played in venues and pubs.
Brainwashing everyone.
Of course all these things are considered sinful, even damnable, by many.
This, of course, is what the Satanists hope will happen to you.
That is, in fact, their aim - to get you to transgress in the hope that God will damn you to hell.
But God is merciful.
You would be better off in church on Sunday mornings.
Pray to God.
And He will deliver you.
Photo Credit: michelerubatino via Compfight cc
Sunday, 1 October 2017
is Good.
is Life.
is your Friend.
is God's Son.
Photo Credit: sea turtle Flickr via Compfight cc
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